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Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I have been coming up here for 30 years and I have lived up here 4 years but yesterday was the first time I have fished the Mississaugi in a boat and it was a very fruitful fishing adventure. We came home with 10 fish - 8 bass and 2 pickerel. What a stringer!! It's nice to see that every once in a while.
Rejean was using Gulp minnows and I was sticking to hook, worm and split shot. We were casting and catching some. I hooked into a big sucker - you think Angelina Jolet has big lips - you should have seen the lips on my fish - I did not kiss this one. I then experienced a slight pull on my worm but not a snag. When I checked my worm, part of it was gone. But it didn't feel like a hit. This happened about 5-6 times and each time it seemed like I was hitting dead line in the water. Ron and Rejean said it may be a fish because my worm was always missing or bit off. But it felt like a dead line but I said if it happened again I would try and set the hook. Well it happened again and I set the hook and I had a big bass on. He had been down there all along slurping my worms up. We had a good laugh about that one. We got back to the bikes just before it got real dark. It was fun riding the 4 wheelers along that trail in the dark, going over the wooden bridge and tearing down the highway (we have rear view mirrors on the 4 wheelers so we would be able to see cars coming up behind us and we would have gone on to the side of the road) with just your headlights to see - no street lights up here.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
AND all the food left over from the Stag and Doe last weekend was stolen right out of the fridge that same night before the family could take the food home that night. We were there until 1am and there weren't that many people left in the arena. Someone must have really needed that food to take it. It just goes to show you that crime is everywhere - even up here in paradise.
See Ya By
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009
That's my b-i-l Mitch from Calgary in the yellow jacket, all geared up to do some stream fishing when they were here last week. He really enjoyed it and he will have his very own ultra light rod and reel for next year. They did very well - everyone got their limits - I blogged about that last week but didn't have this picture to go with it - it was in the other camera. The top picture is a nice brookie caught by Rick, in the second picture. Rejean and Rick headed out today and that is their catch in the bottom picture. We had a good meal of brook trout, salad and fries - a perfect up north meal (altho Sierra wasn't too keen on the fish). It is my favourite kind of fishing - on the streams with ultra light gear. Especially when you get a good size one. And not many people do that kind of fishing so we get the good spots all to ourselves.
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
served over 300 people. But boy, was it ever hard work. Hot Hot Hot. The floor was wet from the humidity, the cooking and all the people. We had 3 seatings, 5, 6 and 7. By the end of the first sitting I was whipped but my mantra is "if you stop, you drop" so I never stopped until we sat down to eat at about 7:30 and then it was very hard to get back up to clean up. We had been going for 3 days straight - Friday from 9 to 3:30, Saturday from 9 til 6 then Sunday from 9 till 10:30pm. We also had a visit from the liquor inspector but we were legal. Nothing wrong except there were empty bottles of beer that we did not sell, but it was explained that when they were cooking the pig, the cooks had "packed a few" so we were good.
My rice crispy squares went well. My sister told me to put sprinkles on them so that they would appeal to the little kids - it worked!! They all sold. And my fire extinguisher basket went for $55!!
See Ya By
Saturday, August 8, 2009
It is supposed to rain tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't.
See ya By
Friday, August 7, 2009
Everyone one arrived home safely - Joanne called at 9:30pm our time and when I tried to call Susan, it was busy so she must have arrived. Another vacation done. A good time was had by all.
Well must get some relaxation in before tomorrow. It will be a long hard weekend.
See Ya By
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The competition between my two brothers-in-law continued this year. It is fun to watch and could possibly be the highlight of the trip. They both caught fish this time - the weather was bad but the fishing was great. In no particular order Mitch (on top - randomly picked to be there) is holding his big bass caught in the Mississaugi the morning they got up at 5:30 am after a night of partying for Mitch's birthday. He got a few big one's but unintentionally lost a fish he was trying the net for Rejean (sabotage?) He was also in on the successful Brook Trout outing plus the big one's in our lake. Jack can be seen holding a niiiice pickerel caught in the Mississaugi that same morning. Jack was trying to make up for loosing some brook trout to Jacques. Even the girls caught fish. Sue caught some nice one's on our lake and I have the video to prove it. If someone knows how to post a video on Blogger, please let me know because I have some great footage.
See Ya By
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Another funny thing happened - Jack was cleaning a couple of his brook trout down by out dock and one slipped out of his hand and Jacques ate it!!! Jacque is my pet bass that hangs around the dock waiting for me to fee it worms. So instead of 15 brook trout, we are left with 14!! 10 are going home with jack and Sue and we will probably eat the rest.
Tonite we are dining at the Outpost Lodge down the road. Susan has never been and it is on her Bucket List of things to do before she dies. It is roast beef nite - any other time we have been there it has been the pork roast nite so something different.
Yesterday was supposed to be out party but it was cancelled because of the weather -I forgot to call Ute to let her know so she showed up at about 4pm. We invited her for dinner as Joanne was making her Paella so we knew there would be lots. Was it ever good. She cooked it in Rejean's big fry pan outside (in the shed because it was raining) It was delicious needless to say - the shrimp were huge. Lots of left overs. It was also Mitch's 49th birthday so we were celebrating - lots of beverages - the Rustys were flying and the Sisters were drinking Whiskey Sours - Yum Yum. I don't know how they did it but the guys got up at 5:30 to be on the River by 7 - and they made it. Should be interesting to see how they did.
Film at 11
See Ya By
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The top picture is of one of the creels soooo ful o'fish that one of the fish's tail was sticking out. The 4 of us headed to a secret (from you) spot and proceeded to each catch 2 fish each. 2+2+2+2=8 fish!!! Joanne caught a monster bass and a beautiful brookie - I got 2 pickerel - one a niiiice size - Mitch and Rejean each caught 2 bass. It was one of the best days fishing ever - and it is always nice when everyone catches something. Joanne has the pictures of all of us as I forgot how to use the timer on mine (I do have to sit down one day and get the manual out for my camera). But we had a great time and all the action was around high noon!! Hard to believe catching a pickerel that size at high noon in the bright sun but - as I said - the fishing Gods must have been smiling. We all were keeping Jack in mind and how we were going to rub it in when we saw him.