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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We have little ones up here this week and it was Gavin's first time fishing. His Grampa Nick bought him a nice fishing rod and reel and a little tackle box so Grampa Rick gave him his first lesson over by Stacey and Andrew's cabin. They can't fish off the dock because Jacques lives there and we don't want to catch him. Rick put a jig on and was casting for Gavin but Gavin was reeling in. Then he got the strike!! Grandpa Rick had to check first that it wasn't a snag and then when they realized it was a fish, he gave the rod back to Gavin to let him reel in the big one. It was a jumper and Gavin was thrilled. Grandpa Rick went down to the water's edge and lipped the big bass. It was exciting for his first fish to be so big. He wouldn't touch it but Rick and I kissed it for luck. We need young blood to carry on the sport and I think Gavin is going to be a great fisherman. Now, if I can just get Melina interested....

Good Fishing Gavin!!!!

See Ya By

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