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Monday, October 26, 2009


I don't have a picture of her but Satch was my little grandfurbaby. She was a little black long haired cat belonging to Stacey and Andrew - and I do mean belonging to them. She would not tolerate anyone else even looking at her. We have been hissed at, swatted at, bit at, growled at etc. But it was all a big show. Deep in her little heart she was a sweet heart. Every once in a while she would come and lie down in your lap and she stayed there until either Stacey or Andrew came to get her off or you would take the chance of getting one of her little dirty looks if you wanted to move. When we would eat popcorn she would come over and evil eye you into giving her one and then she would gently take the piece of popcorn out of your hands and then growl at you with the piece of popcorn in her mouth. And she would come back for more.
She was so dainty the way she walked - Stacey would call her the little run way model cat. She would place each foot in front of the other and walk away. I once left my bedroom door open and she got in and I had to call Andrew to come and get her out because I couldn't make her move.
We never figured out why she was like that but after a while it was just her way. You learned to avoid walking close to her and to be careful not to pat her even tho I wanted to.
She was old - I think about 18 or 19 and time finally caught up to her. In the end it was the right thing to do. She had a great life with Stacey and Andrew and the rest of our family. She will be missed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


3:02:20 - ok, not quite 2:45 but I did have to go to the bathroom and that took about 5 minutes off my time and I hugged and posed for pictures for Joanne coming out of the tunnel so you add up those lost minutes and I was under 3 hours - but that is my time - I am consistently consistent with my 1/2 marathon times.

I will post some picture later when I get back from town with Joanne - we are shopping for paint for our - oops, I mean her place. We took 12 hours to get home yesterday - shopped our way back and spent $320 and the custom person just said "have a good day"!!! There is a God.

See Ya By

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Just thought you might enjoy another beautiful picture of beautiful leaves up here. This picture was taken at Hooverville Landing this afternoon. Ron grew up here and has never seen such colors as this year. The leaves are not stressed as in past years and they have had more than enough moisture so these are their true colors. I must say I am enjoying it - just another perk of living up here.

We spent the day working at the other place. We are caretakers of 4 places other than our own.

It keeps us busy. We were at Joanne's new place - we raked and cleaned up the grounds and started a fire in the cabin to take the chill out. It was nice to feel the place warm up - you got a feel of it. I teased Joanne by always asking about "our" place. They will be very happy there. I feel another Sauna coming on...

Tomorrow I go cook at the Hall. We will be baking butter tarts for the bake sale on Friday and meat pies to sell - turkey, chicken, beef and hamburger pies - $7 for a larger one and $4 for a personal size. And perogies at $1.50 a dozen - almost free. The bake sale is Friday and I have to make fudge and rice krispie squares tomorrow nite for it. Oh domesticated me. Whodathunkit?

See Ya By

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Jim Bob
Happy Birthday To You

from me


Look what I caught today. A beauty rainbow. Rick, Rejean and myself headed out today to fish the Mississaugi. We got there and, as usual, I headed off by myself to my special spot. I sometimes get lucky there and sometimes I get skunked but not today.

I started casting in and got a hit. I tried to get him back but to no avail. So I just took my time and cast in, let it drift and retrieve. On one cast I got a hit - not too strong but I knew I had a good one on. And he jumped 5 times!!!!! I wore the walkie talkie so I am in contact with the guys - I managed to let Rejean know that he was a jumper and that he was a good size. He was pulling line out and still jumping - he was giving me a good fight. I managed to get my net out from behind me but, with my 10' rod, it was just about impossible for me to net him so I had to beach him. I waited until he had tired out and got him on shore. Then I knew that he wouldn't fit in the creel so I had to put him on the stringer. I connected one end to my creel, filled it with rocks so he couldn't pull it out into the water and put him in the water. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Nice fish. I didn't get any more hits so I headed back to where the guys were. Rejean had got a 1 pound brookie (figures - the season ended a couple of days ago) he let it go. Then he caught a nice rainbow. We decided to head to another spot. Rejean got a nice pickerel and a rainbow that was just as long as mine but not a fat. We will have a nice fish fry Monday nite - Yum Yum.

Rejean and Rick also saw a huge bull moose across the river. I didn't see him because I was too busy trying not to fall in the river but he took pictures and you can see the huge rack on him- he was massive!!! Nice to know there are still such creatures out there like that.
See Ya By

Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is my 725th post!!! Hard to believe that I have that much to say. But I do!! I hope you are enjoying the stories of my life because I am!!

This is October 1st - the closing date of Joanne & Mitch's place but I haven't heard anything yet. I guess the sauna party is tomorrow nite when they have full ownership. I don't want to burn the place down before they even own it. I can't wait to get in there and get to know the place. It is an unfortunate situation that the previous (or current) owners had to sell but they can rest assured that it is going to people who will cherish it and treat it good.

We got our boat!! Bill's boat is officially our boat. Bill was our friend up here - he lived to 92 and he loved it here. He was a retired Detroit policeman who had been retired longer than he worked!! And the stories he and Barb could tell...they lived an amazing life and we never tired of hearing them. We had been storing Bill's boat on our property for the last 5 years or so. Bill couldn't use it and we had the space. Rejean and Barb had a little talk about the boat and if we could buy the boat from her as we could use one. Long story short it is now ours. I look at it with new eyes now. We'll sand and paint the trailer, new lighting kit, new rope etc and get 3 swivel seats. I told Rejean we need cup holders of course and, oh yea, rod holders. It'll be on the Mississaugi and on Tunnel. Look out all you pickerel and bass...

Tomorrow I cook for the Poker Run this weekend. There is about 50 4-wheelers registered for the run and we will feed them Saturday nite at the Hall. It's only 50 people - no problem. Imagine me saying that a couple of years ago when cooking for 1 extra person made me nervous. Who Knew?

See Ya By