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Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is my 725th post!!! Hard to believe that I have that much to say. But I do!! I hope you are enjoying the stories of my life because I am!!

This is October 1st - the closing date of Joanne & Mitch's place but I haven't heard anything yet. I guess the sauna party is tomorrow nite when they have full ownership. I don't want to burn the place down before they even own it. I can't wait to get in there and get to know the place. It is an unfortunate situation that the previous (or current) owners had to sell but they can rest assured that it is going to people who will cherish it and treat it good.

We got our boat!! Bill's boat is officially our boat. Bill was our friend up here - he lived to 92 and he loved it here. He was a retired Detroit policeman who had been retired longer than he worked!! And the stories he and Barb could tell...they lived an amazing life and we never tired of hearing them. We had been storing Bill's boat on our property for the last 5 years or so. Bill couldn't use it and we had the space. Rejean and Barb had a little talk about the boat and if we could buy the boat from her as we could use one. Long story short it is now ours. I look at it with new eyes now. We'll sand and paint the trailer, new lighting kit, new rope etc and get 3 swivel seats. I told Rejean we need cup holders of course and, oh yea, rod holders. It'll be on the Mississaugi and on Tunnel. Look out all you pickerel and bass...

Tomorrow I cook for the Poker Run this weekend. There is about 50 4-wheelers registered for the run and we will feed them Saturday nite at the Hall. It's only 50 people - no problem. Imagine me saying that a couple of years ago when cooking for 1 extra person made me nervous. Who Knew?

See Ya By

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