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Sunday, November 22, 2009


We decided to give it another try today because the weatherman said it was going to be sunny. But it was foggy - all day long. But we went out anyway. Rejean got one right off the bat and we thought it was going to be a great day. but it turned out to be the only bird we saw (except for the one I saw just before we got back to the cars and we were in a no hunting area). Rejean was ahead of us and then we saw him stop, slowly get off his bike, get his gun, load, aim - then follow the flying bird - aim and fire. He got him. I think he is saying something in the picture because he usually doesn't look like that. We put 60 miles on the bikes today and found a great new fishing spot. Rejean and Rick fished it years ago and it looks like a great place. We'll be back.
The other picture is of the new bridge at LaFoe - they put a lot of money into it and it looks great.
The bird that was supposed to be mine is still alive and kicking. Joy and I went down a trail - I was in the lead - and there in the middle of the road was a nice looking partridge. I stopped my bike, took off my gloves, got off my bike, take my gun off the rack on the front of the bike, get a couple of shells from my pocket, load my gun, cock the gun, aimed just in time to see the bird walk behind a low bush. I should have fired right there and then but I hesitated - I thought I could get a clearer shot. Well I never did because the bird took off into the bush. He who hesitates...
Tomorrow I stay home and do wash and clean my house that I have neglected for about a week. I have to work Tuesday and Wednesday at the Hall - just to finish off the orders.
And I just noticed that Christmas is right around the corner - when did that happen?????
See Ya By

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