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Thursday, April 29, 2010


From the left - rainbow, brookie, brookie
The guys gearing up

Barry,Ed and I headed out to the Mississaugi river at about 10 am, by the time we got everything loaded into the truck - we did forget the walking sticks - but there were plenty to choose from on the river. I dropped off Barry and Ed and headed to my spot up the river. I had no bites but Barry got a rainbow after his 2nd or 3rd cast. He also had another hit. I headed back to the guys - Barry was casting into the rapids so I cast into the pool below the rapids. After a couple of casts I got a beauty brookie. With my long rod it is difficult to net so I backed up towards the shore and got Barry's attention. He came over an netted it. I put it in the creel with Barry's rainbow and got right back out there. After a while I got a bass - which I released because it is not in season and then on the next cast I got another brookie on. I could tell because of the flashes of orange - I had it on for what seemed like a long time and then as soon as I got it close to shore it spit the hook!!! Bummer. That was 3 fish for me so I went back on shore and got Ed's attention and he came over to where the action was. I found a nice comfortable spot on the rocks and watched the guys. Barry was trying to get a fish that was taking all his bait - worms and spawn - he finally got it - I netted it and it was another beautiful brookie - I think it was the one I had on. 3 beautiful fish in one spot on the river and the weather was beautiful - blue skies and not a cloud in the sky - it was about 60 degrees. Perfect. When we got home I cleaned the fish for the guys to take home. Rejean spent the day trying to finish the hardware on the cabinets but apparently he had company for the better part of the day. Hard to get any work done when that happens. They are in the garage tonite loading their 4 wheelers on the trailer and just packing stuff up. They are leaving on Saturday and we are leaving on Sunday. I have to clean my house do a wash and pack. Busy Busy Busy.
Tomorrow there is the fish fry in Thessalon - we can't miss that!!!
See Ya Bye

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Not a good picture but you can see the colors - working hands!!!
The triangular section on the right is where my finger got caught between it and a log - ouch!!!

My work station

John calls this the Killing Field - we killed the trees and we will kill the deer (hopefully)

They got all the wood out from the clearing - it is all up top in the clearing ready to be split when they get the time. We were like bees today. Randy was down there helping to load the little trailers and John was up top unloading the wood. Ed and I were splitting the whole time. We filled the big trailer, Randy and John's trucks and their trailers. We unloaded over at Randy's. We have all of ours, as does John. Randy just needs his share. Then we split the rest. We got over 55 cords out of that clearing. And, on the last day, I smashed a finger. I momentarily lost focus of what I was doing and I caught my ring finger on my right hand between the log and the blade . It hurt!!!! It immediately started changing colors. Right now it is green and purple. Rejean said if it starts throbbing you need to stick a needle in it to release the blood. It is throbbing right now but I will never admit it - there is no way I am sticking a needle in my nail!!!

The guys got all the seeding done after all the wood was removed - now all we need is a good rain and that is supposed to happen on Friday and Saturday - hopefully!!!

Tomorrow I take Ed and Barry fishing on the Mississaugi - Barry brought his fly rods so I'll take them to the first spot and leave them while I go to my spot. The water is low so it could be good - we might get a rainbow or a brookie. Rejean will be working on the cupboards - he has to install the hardware.
See Ya Bye

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Some of the equipment used for the fire wood - tractor, quads, trailers etc.
Rejean's shed

That stack of lighter colored wood on the left is cedar - kindling - G O L D ! ! ! This is my wood shed.

My wood shed is full!!!! Rejean's wood shed is full!!! We are working on John and Randy's now. We only have tomorrow to get the wood out of the valley and up to the clearing to be split. Eddie and Barry are leaving on Friday and they have to get a day of rest and relaxation in before they go - which means fishing!!! Twist my arm. I think we will hit the river. It is low right now which may be a good thing.
My work on the cupboards was done yesterday so I was out in the morning with the guys helping with the wood. Eddie and I were splitting - it really saves time having 2 people splitting. Plus it was great exercise!!! Some of those logs are heavy. My arms are still bruised. Oh well.
Tomorrow we work all day and get as much done as we can. We should get some good loads over to Randy's - John is all done. If we don't get it all done the logs will be accessible for them to split in our free time.
Time to rest and relax for tomorrow.
See ya Bye

Monday, April 26, 2010


Union break!!!

I got my doors finished this morning - the 4th coat of varathane on the cupboard doors and trim. I sanded them after the 3rd coat also so they are like silk - very smooth. Now Rejean has to put the hardware on them but not install them - we won't do that until we get them in place. We pick up the U-Haul on Friday for the trip - it's better than worrying about the weather. They will be nice and dry in the trailer.

We worked on the wood again today - we have quite the production line going. Someone is hauling the cut pieces up to the tractor log splitter where Eddie and I are splitting. John is also up top with us know, working his splitter. Barry hauls them up from the valley and Rejean co-ordinates everything and either hauls or splits. When a load is ready to go, we follow and help unload. Our wood is all done!!! John's first load went over this afternoon. I didn't help as I am preparing for the BBQ tonite for the hired help. Just Brenner hot dogs and hamburgers, hashbrowns and fixings. Nothing special but everyone will enjoy it.

Tomorrow more of the same...

See Ya Bye

Saturday, April 24, 2010


It's that time of year again - time to do the fire wood. We have help this year - Barry and Eddie came up and are helping us - there were six of us today. Me, Rejean, Barry, Eddie, John and Randy - we will be sharing the wood with John and Randy. Eddie maned the controls of the splitter of the tractor and Randy split on Roger's splitter down in the valley - we had a few trailers going. With so much help it is going fast but it is still hard work. My arms are all bruised from piling them in my arms to stack the wood in the sheds. Ours will be filled sometime tomorrow then we work on John and Randy's sheds. And we have a bbq tomorrow for all the workers - hot dogs and hamburgers - nothing but the best for us.
See Ya Bye

Friday, April 23, 2010


These aren't our tourists - these are cows

Looking at stuff
Rejean, Barry and Eddie respectively

Barry's nice trailer - he made it himself!!

Barry and Eddie arrived just in time for dinner - Mushroom and Beef Lasagna - first time making it and I prefer it to regular lasagna - everyone liked it. Salad and a loaf of fresh sour dough bread - my downfall but I maintained. After dinner they unloaded their 4 wheelers and we took a ride over to the work area - where the wood splitting will take place this week. Eddie is a madman on his machine so I think this week we will have to take a ride on FootPrint Lake Road to let him go fast. We also rode over to the other property to look at the gravel and mulch - that's what we do up here - we look at stuff. But on the 4 wheelers it is fun. Tomorrow is the first day of work for them - I have dump duty and then finish my varathaning on the cupboards. They are looking good.

See Ya Bye

ps - the cow picture is of a herd I pass all the time on the way to and from Thessalon - they were all laying in the sun today and they looked happy so I took a picture of some of them.


My 4 wheeler with my driftwood held in place with bungee cords - nice pieces
Sorry Joanne, that won't fit on the 4 wheeler or on the plane :-(

Mitch on his Machine - he loved it!!!

The group at the foot of Joy's Peak continuing the trail ride

Joanne and Mitch were here for 1 week - work came first on the agenda. Rejean and Mitch fixed the taps in the shower and the water source in the lake. Their water is now clean and odor free. They took their first shower the day before they left. They used ours the rest of the week. We managed to get in 2 saunas - very nice. Very relaxing. Joanne and Rejean jumped in the lake and Mitch got his feet wet - I haven't done that yet. I'm chicken. Joanne, Mitch, myself, Joy and Arnold got a morning 4 wheeler run in and we went to Joy's Peak - my first time there. It is a view that Arnold discovered and hauled a bench up there and carved Joy's Peak into it. As a gift to his wife Joy. How romantic!! We also found the water levels to be very low at Tunnel Lake and the driftwood was accessible. I got a couple of pieces - I bungee corded them to the front of my 4 wheeler - Mitch needs some on his new quad. What kind of person rides a quad with out bungee cords wrapped on the front?? An idea for Christmas.
Gotta go - my company just arrived...
See Ya Bye
ps - more pics tomorrow - they are on the computer downstairs in Eddie's room


The doors are put together and now stained - my job today is to get 2 coats of varathane on them. The company comes in tonite and it is supposed to be a beautiful week. Life IS good!!
See Ya Bye


I spent about 1 hour yesterday cleaning up an escape attempt by our flat of worms!!! Apparently the fridge door was not properly shut from the night before (yes, I did it) and all we have in that fridge was beer, pop, juice and worms. The next morning I went to put something in the fridge and stepped on something mushy - I looked down and there was a mass of worms making a "run" for it. The change in temperature must have triggered one of the worms to make a go for it and all the rest followed suit. I got them all back in their box and cleaned the fridge - I only lost 2. I don't mind having worms in the fridge - we buy them in flats - 500 worms for about $65.00 - a lot cheaper than $5/doz!! And you always have them on hand.

Bad Worms!!!

See Ya Bye

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We got Joanne and Mitch to the airport by 5:30 am on Sunday - we left our place at 3:20 and I thought we had plenty of time - we hit the Tim Horton's and they ordered their breakfast sandwiches that took a bit more time than expected. We even saw the pilots of the plane at Timmy's but they left about 10-15 minutes before we did. When we finished we got in the car and noticed the time - 5:20 and it still takes about 15 minutes to bet to the airport. We booted it and got them there on time - even the ticket agents said they were cutting it short. But they were on their way. They had a great time and got a lot of work done. They will be back in August along with Susan and Jack - another good time.
When we got back home on Sunday we just took it easy because we were back to work on Monday. Rejean hit the garage and started the doors to his mother's cabinets - he has to make 13 raised panel doors. He will stain them and then it is my job to finish them off with the varathane. I worked in my garden - turning the soil over - when we first started the garden the dirt was horrible but after a few years of taking care of it, the soil is nice. I got the shovel down about 6-7 inches for the turn. All good soil. It is still too cool to plant but I am ready. Today I washed all the windows up stairs and tomorrow I tackle the downstairs windows. It has been beautiful - sunny and warm. I even get a bit of tanning in over at Stacey and Andrew's. Just about 1/2 hour a day. But it is nice. Tonite we get our hair cut and I need one. You feel sooooo much better after a hair cut. And tomorrow we are invited over to Ron and Mary's for a fish fry - they have some brook trout and perch - they always put on a great dinner.
Friday Rejean's hunting buddies, Eddie and Barry come up to help get the plot of land seeded with stuff for the deer and they also offered to help with the fire wood. It is still down in the valley ready to split. We do that next week.
See ya Bye

Friday, April 16, 2010

Still Alive....

....but very busy with Joanne and Mitch working at their place - I do have pics but just haven't made the time to post them but I will - I promise. We have had one h-ll of a week - tons of fun but tons of work.
See Ya Bye

Sunday, April 11, 2010


The bar fridge in the sauna room - stocked with Kokanee @ $40/case!!! Mitch is happy!!
Mitch's new toy - or is it Joanne's??? First ride.

Got luggage???

Look what they got off the plane with!!!! And they are only staying 1 week??? But it's ok - the majority of the stuff is staying here - thank goodness. We were lucky we took the truck to pick them up. They spent the first nite at our place because by the time we got home it was 11pm - we ate at a place called Aurora's in the Sault - they had beautiful table tops made out of Copper Foil that I have decided I want for the top of the bar - when we finally get it done. I'll have to get on line and check it out and I know it won't be cheap but is it ever nice.

Mitch got a chance to ride his new quad this morning and he enjoyed it. We worked over at their place - they got the water going which was the project for today and NO LEAKS!! Joanne and I got the inside done - everything put away before their first official company arrived - John and Linda and Toby, the four wheeler riding dog. He jumps up behind you on the four wheelers and rides with you. Joanne has treats for him.
Joanne and Mitch are here to take their showers and dinner is ready - cranberry marmalade glazed ham, broccoli and mashed potatoes with sour cream and bacon and a salad. No desert!!! More work tomorrow - they put the eves troughs up - the snow was melting on the roof today and it was like it was raining !!
See Ya Bye

Thursday, April 8, 2010


They called it and I predicted it - sort of. I knew we would get another blast of winter and it happened this morning - we woke up to about 2-3 inches and it didn't stop snowing all day - it turned into freezing rain and ice pellets later on in the afternoon - needless to say I did not go to town today. Tomorrow I'll go. But it will be gone by tomorrow afternoon - don't worry Joanne - nice days are approaching.

We worked on the cabinets again today - I put the finish on the second cutting board. And finished up some more drawers. Ron came over and gave us some venison steaks, roasts and ground meat. I see a beer and deer dish in the immediate future. Yum Yum.

Just a side note - for those who know me I have been walking and doing weights for about 12 years - great exercise but after a while it gets a little stale. I was watching Canada AM and they were rating exercise DVDs. She gave a good rating to Tony Horton's (of P90X workout fame) 10 Minute Workout DVD. I went on line and checked it out too. Good reviews so I ordered one from Sears. It came in yesterday and I have been reviewing it myself. Not bad. And if you have more time (which I do) you can do a combination of the workouts. I shall keep you up to date on my personal reviews. You know my mantra "If you stop, you drop." so I'll keep moving and you should too.

See Ya Bye

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


No Rejean does not have a light bulb for a nose - just the way I took the picture. Working on the full extension slides. And his torn pocket is where he clips his tape measure.
A beautiful cutting board made out of maple from our bush. The slides lock into place and all it takes is a push and it closes up. Just the right height for his mother to make meat pies (yum yum)

Some of my handiwork. These are the doors - not raised panel because they are smaller and narrower so the raised panel would not look good. The bigger doors will be raised panels.

My work area in the finishing room. That is a lazy susan. I put the piece I am working on on it and you can rotate it and it makes it sooooo much easier. I have varathane in the coffee can - that way you don't contaminate the whole can if you have a bit of stain in it.

The cabinet with the cutting board in it. Two drawers below it. Again the drawers have full extensions with an easy close feature - you push it so far and it closes by itself!!! I don't have that in my kitchen ... just saying.

Today, as well as yesterday, I spent all day in the garage working on the cabinets. My job is to sand and apply the varathane to the sides, doors and face frames of the cabinets. Rejean does the staining - buy one day I will be good enough to do that ;o) I enjoy the work. I have learned a lot during the years and all the projects I have worked on. I finished all the pine downstairs and the cabinetry in the bathroom. I find it relaxing. There is an art to it. You have to have a light touch at the end to ensure all the brush strokes are going the same way and you have to be careful about drips. I rarely have drips!! After the second coat has dried you lightly sand the area and apply another coat of varathane. Then, because I wanted to, I lightly sanded it again and applied the fourth coat. They are like silk. Nothing but the best....
I'll be heading into town tomorrow to get groceries for the first group of tourists - Joanne and Mitch are flying in on Saturday. Yeaaaa. There will be days of work and days of play and saunas!!! Mitch will finally get a look at what he bought. He can't remember too much having seen the place for only 1/2 hours before he bought it. Mitch, take it from me, you did good!!!
See Ya Bye

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter everyone - I hope the Easter Bunny was good to you!!! Cute, isn't she. Lots of white meat on bunnies...only joking...
See Ya Bye

Saturday, April 3, 2010


After my trip into town for stuff, I got home and Rejean said Ron and Mary called and invited us to go visit the camp they are thinking of buying. Twist my arm. We loaded up the 4 wheelers and met them at their house. We were on the road shortly after that. They have a sport ut - a two person 4 wheeler. We got to a spot and unloaded the quads and took off up the path. I won't mention where it is but it is a good trip into the camp. I remember being at that spot about 25 years ago. We brought our fishing rods but we didn't have any worms - Rejean got a couple of hits using a jig and a twister tail and I had a small red spinner. The water was 50 degrees - a bit cool but we did see either a rainbow or a speck trying to jump up the little waterfall. You don't see that every day. As usual Ron and Mary brought a picnic - ham, pickles, carrots, radishes, chips and crackers - I brought some rice krispie squares Linda made me. All the furniture in the camp are all made out of logs and branches - very study and comfortable. It is a beautiful camp

and I have all my fingers and toes and everything else that can be crossed crossed and hope they get it. And it rained!!! It hasn't rained or snowed in months up here and it rained when we were in the camp. We had to high tail it back to the vehicles, load up and on our way. We passed a small truck in the ditch which wasn't there on our way in - we stopped but there was no one in it. It looked like the person was living in the truck. He must have hitched a ride into town - but by the looks of the truck I don't know whether he can afford to get it hauled out and repaired.

Tomorrow Linda has invited us over for Easter dinner. Actually she is feeding the masses - there will be 11 of us. She has a 15 pound turkey and I had bought a small ham I was going to cook for Rejean and I - I'll also make my devilled eggs that John loves so much. There will be John and Linda, Rejean and myself, Randy and Robin and their friend Donna, Joy and Arnold and Bob and Clarence, their neighbour - Toby the black lab will also be in attendance. let the party begin....

See Ya Bye

ps - it was Linda who put the tiger by our front door!!! I apologize to Roger for blaming him.