They got all the wood out from the clearing - it is all up top in the clearing ready to be split when they get the time. We were like bees today. Randy was down there helping to load the little trailers and John was up top unloading the wood. Ed and I were splitting the whole time. We filled the big trailer, Randy and John's trucks and their trailers. We unloaded over at Randy's. We have all of ours, as does John. Randy just needs his share. Then we split the rest. We got over 55 cords out of that clearing. And, on the last day, I smashed a finger. I momentarily lost focus of what I was doing and I caught my ring finger on my right hand between the log and the blade . It hurt!!!! It immediately started changing colors. Right now it is green and purple. Rejean said if it starts throbbing you need to stick a needle in it to release the blood. It is throbbing right now but I will never admit it - there is no way I am sticking a needle in my nail!!!
The guys got all the seeding done after all the wood was removed - now all we need is a good rain and that is supposed to happen on Friday and Saturday - hopefully!!!
Tomorrow I take Ed and Barry fishing on the Mississaugi - Barry brought his fly rods so I'll take them to the first spot and leave them while I go to my spot. The water is low so it could be good - we might get a rainbow or a brookie. Rejean will be working on the cupboards - he has to install the hardware.
See Ya Bye
Oh my God Janet, Rejean is right it will feel much better if you use a needle to release the pressure of the blood build up. The needle in the nail doesnt hurt like the throbbing, trust me I have been there, done that. The throbbing kills and it will feel better right away.
Looks like a lot less damage this year than last year.
Get a small drill bit ( 1/64 ) and turn it by HAND ! It will make a Tiny , clean hole , and is easier than trying to push a pin through the nail . The relief is amazing !
Didn't do the drill thing and my finger is better - pretty colorful and I will loose the nail for sure
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