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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Let us all raise our glasses of Rusty Nails and toast Dave's 30th (thirtieth) 3 x 10, XXX, 6 x 5 etc etc birthday today September 1st, 2010 - ENJOY!!!!

It only gets better, Dave.
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Right off the dock - a keeper pickerel
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September 1st is Dave's birthday so we want to take this opportunity to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!! Sorry for yelling...but I couldn't let this slip by without a full birthday wish. We met Dave for the first time this summer when he and Jodie came to Ontario for a few weeks - one of which was spent up here with us. We heard he was anxious to get to work and do some fishing. He did just that. We even took him out on the river for his first river fishing experience. He was in good hands as Rejean and Andrew were there to offer a few pointers. We enjoyed our time spent with him.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010


I woke up feeling pretty good and wanting to go fishing - but Rejean wasn't really up to it so I went by myself - you can't waste those days. I geared up and went to the river. Nothing was biting at Rejean's spot so I went to my spot. I hooked into the brook trout first - that was fun because he followed the worm right up to my feet before he finally took the whole thing. I managed to net him finally. Then I was into the 3 bass - nice fighters. Again I managed to net them and I decided I had enough fish for dinner so I left. The first time I have ever decided I had enough fish!! And they were delicious!!! We had the trout and 2 bass that evening for dinner in a Cajun mix - Yum Yum.
I was a little late coming back - I predicted I would be gone for only about 1 hour so Rejean started out to check on me after 2 1/2 hours - I passed him on the highway. Just in case I needed help - it's always a good thing to tell someone where you are and your estimated time of return - the fishing was good so I was a little hesitant to return home.
See Ya Bye


I came back to the house today on the 4 wheeler to get some water and who do I see moving slowly across the gravel but the larger garter snake - with a "bump"!! I didn't get to see what he got but my guess is a mouse or a mole or vole - or maybe even a chip monk - we do have one hanging around - or did...
I enjoy seeing stuff like this - it is interesting - I am always startled when I first see the snake but then I am over it. It has lived peacefully around here for the past few years - getting bigger every year - there is also a smaller one that you see occasionally - the last time on the veranda. They have to live somewhere too.
See Ya Bye

Thursday, August 26, 2010


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This is what we have been working on for the past 2 days. We also changed the handles on the other 2 doors to match - I hated the other door with a passion and now I have a nice front door. It's the little things that make my life enjoyable.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010


The beautiful bride and her daughter
Wharncliff Hall - never looked better - the chairs were covered in satin with chair bows at the back - glad I didn't have to tie them...


My view from behind the bar - high shelf for me - my arm is sore today from lifting drinks up.
The spread...

It was the wedding weekend - I helped cater a wedding of 150 people at the Hall and it was hard work. Friday from 9am til 12:30pm but Saturday from 9am until 1:30 am - all that time on my feet - after the dinner I worked the bar from 7:30pm til 1:00 am. I have always wanted to be a bartender - back when I had been to Rosie O'Grady's in Florida it intrigued me and I acted out my fantasy last nite and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I remembered a few people's drinks - like the bride and groom's - and a few other "memorable" characters. I did inquire as to how certain people were getting home and did remember my Smart Serve training. Rejean came to sell the bar tickets at 7pm til 1am. He did a brisk business.

The food turned out great - it was requested by the bride - a traditional turkey dinner, and it was good but I don't know how people can eat turnips and sweet potatoes - ugh. Not my cup of tea but the meat was delicious - we had lots left over. I wore the wrong shoes - don't ask me why I wore them but I did and it's too late now to get rid of the blister. But they are ok today - I have recuperated - as I hope some of the people did this morning - some were - how shall I saw this - having too good a time.
Sunday and we are relaxing - if you can call washing, cleaning my house, sweeping outside etc relaxing - but we have no company - so we ARE relaxing...
See Ya Bye

Friday, August 20, 2010


Catering a wedding at the Whancliff Hall on Saturday. I was there this morning peeling 70 pounds of potatos with Phyllis and Cheryl and then tomorrow we really get down to business - there will be 150 people. It will be a traditional turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, turnips (?) sweet potatoes, corn, buns, dressing, cranberries, veggie trays, pickle trays and desert. We have 3 big turkeys and 4 big turkey breasts. I will also be manning the bar until 1am. It will be a looooong day for me. But the Hall will benefit and that is the main thing. Besides, I have fun - as I've said before, it is the hardest work I have ever done but the more rewarding...let the fun begin.
The kids left today and Rick and Joan and Sierra will be leaving tomorrow - the next group coming in will be in the middle of September - Steve and Jenn and their group for the big build. But we are looking forward to some quiet time - after 8 straight weeks of company - where did the summer go?????
See Ya Bye

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Jake held on to Rick's suspenders for this ride - he really enjoyed himself.
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Just in case you wonder, they were just going up and down the road slowly and we didn't have a helmet small enough for them - no children were harmed today.
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We have three little kids up here this week - all under the age of 6. I must admit I am having fun!! We played hide and seek and, just for a few moments - felt like 1 hour or so - I didn't know where they were!!! That was a horrible feeling - but I soon found them. They have been told to stay around the house and not wander away - into the bush!!! And they haven't. they got a ride on the 4 wheeler today with their grandpa Rick and tomorrow we take them fishing - Melina really wants to catch a fish - that a girl - we need more fisherladies.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010


Actually it happened in the RoundBarn. I was there with my sisters, Susan and Joanne. A man approached Joanne and said that he recognized her from the blog NorthernBliss!!! Small world!! It was one of my followers - Lisa, and her family. I knew that they came up here for the last week of July and into August but to run into them somewhere up here and because he recognized Joanne - I had my picture taken with them but with Joanne's camera (it turns out my camera was in the car) so I am waiting to get the picture and I'll post it. It was great to meet one of my followers - it makes it all worthwhile...


First campfire

It's all about family - and we have a sh-t load here this week. We took the kids fishing off Barb's dock so they could catch the little rock bass - they had a choice - ice cream or fishing and they choose fishing - but after the first fish was caught they were ready for ice cream - which they had as soon as we got home - I think Rejean and Rick had more fun than the kids!!!

Tomorrow we are going golfing...yeaaaa
See Ya Bye

Friday, August 13, 2010


Rejean and I got out on the lake last nite - a nice quiet time for us - I got a bunch of nice bass plus 2 small pickerel which we let go. They sure put up a good fight - I even had one "tail walk"!! twice!! Fun....
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Thursday, August 12, 2010


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Believe it or not, these are those Glow necklaces and bracelets I picked up at the Dollar Store and Sierra and her sister
Savanah and her Dad Sandy were playing around with them last nite - I had my camera set on "P" and this is what I got - kind of neat!!!
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We discovered this little guy last nite at about 9:30pm - I guess he got caught in the evening coolness and was there this morning - I fed him about 5 worms so he is happy now. Another hungry mouth to feed...
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This was my treasure from the silent auction at the Pig Roast last weekend. A nice bow and arrow!! My winning bid was $40.
Bob says it's about a 35 pound pull with 16 arrows - he'll be teaching me how to safely handle it. Remember, I have a tremor so it could be interesting....gotta get a target....
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I just realized I have gone from 9 followers to 11 overnite!!! Welcome everyone. It's nice to have followers who are interested in what I do up here in paradise. I'll try and keep you entertained with my everyday life. :o)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Phyllis ordered a 75 pound pig and we got a 40 pound pig - it was just a token pig - we had 180 pounds of beef and pork roasts to make up the difference - and about 40 pounds of potatoe salad, tons of cole slaw, jello salads, beans, mashed potatoes and gravey, home made buscuits, about 60 home made pies (fruit and pudding pies with merangue) deviled eggs (by yours truly), veggie trays, cheese trays, pickle trays - a feast!!!
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This is what the Volunteers of Tomorrow look like - Sierra offered to help with the Pig Roast last weekend. She worked the Saturday from about 9am til 3pm and then on the big day from 9am until I finally took her apron away at about 5pm - she was exhausted but boy did she help - Her and Joan peeled 160 pounds of potatoes, put out the pitchers of ice water, washed and dried dishes, cut pickles etc. Her help was very much appreciated - since not too many of the locals turned out to help - but that is a whole other blog - don't get me started. We would never have been able to have had such success without Sierra's and Joan's help - thank you very much!!!!
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Sister Sue finally caught her fish on the River - and it was a nice one. I got 2 bass, Rejean got a small pike (that we held on the stringer so as to not frighten all the bass away - when pike are in the area, no other fish is) and he lost a big pickerel. All in all a another good day fishing!!!
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Saturday, August 7, 2010


Susan, Michael, Steve, Me, Joanne and Buddy the dog - Cheers!!! - Where's my drink?
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Big sister Susan showing us how it is done - I only did one - that was enough for me...
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Steve and Michael
5 minutes before we were going to walk out the door to go to Axe Lake for a Tequila party, the phone rings - and on the other line is my cousin Michael!!! He is on a road trip with his b-i-l Steve from Toronto to Vancouver and he is passing thru Thessalon - he thinks he knows someone who lives there and, after consulting his trusty phone book, realizes it is me!! He calls and get directions and arrives. After the 50 cent tour it is off to Joanne's place - what luck that the 3 sisters are together. We haven't seen Micheal in years so it is an unexpected pleasure!! After we visit at Joanne's, it is off to Roger and Lori's for a Tequila party - I haven't done tequila shots before because I get confused as to what to lick and what to suck and in what order but I learned last nite - AND we did it with oranges instead of lemons (or limes) Yum Yum. A great time was had by all and we finally hit the sack at midnite!!! I have to work today at the hall so I am feeling a bit sluggish. Michael and Steve are travelling in a motor home and we sent them off this morning at about 7am - up the Chapleau highway to continue their trip across Canada - but what a great time we had.
See Ya Bye

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Mitch spent his 50th birthday fishing with the guys - a good time was had by all. Jack will be taking the fish home with him as we already have enought for our fish fry tonite. (the girl's bass were bigger - just saying...)
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It was Mitch's 50th birthday yesterday and we had a party on his deck - this is the view from my seat - very relaxing - a perfect day!! The guys went out fishing with Ron and they caught bass and a pike - it was a great week for fishing for us all. Joanne fixed beef ribs, potatoe salad, my deviled eggs, spinich dip, and cupcakes - Yum Yum
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