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Friday, September 10, 2010


Remember that TV show that had weird things happen on it - hard to believe things? Well, this really happened.....

Rejean has had a sore on his finger that has not healed after 3 weeks and it looks inflamed and - well I won't go into a lot of detail about it but it was sore and looked sore. But, being a man, he kept saying that it was getting better. I gave him until Thursday of this week for it to heal or he was going to the doctors. Well, long story short, we ended up going to the Thessalon Hospital Emergency room. Well, he walked in and was immediately greeted by the nurse at the desk. He was shown into the exam room after he had answered a couple of questions, the doctor was in to see him in 5 minutes, examined his finger, wrote a prescription for some antibiotics and we were on our way - in about 20 minutes!!! How's that for service!!! Not bad for a hospital in a town of 1400. And we had just signed up to switch from our former doctor to the new doctor in town who happened to be the doctor who treated Rejean at the hospital!! And the hospital is part of the Algoma Manor, the area retirement home. They are also under construction for a multi-million dollar addition. So when the time comes for me to go into the old folks home, it is right in town. Right beside the hospital - how convenient...

See Ya Bye

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