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Monday, November 29, 2010


Jenn got real comfortable

Great day for a fire

Jenn and Steve are up for a few days, to clear some brush so we decided to have a big Bonn fire on the mine side to burn it. We got it going - and it burned for a couple of hours. Nice and warm. We had it going good. We had 3 pails available just in case it got out of control, but there was snow everywhere and a stream just a couple of feet from it. What else is there to do on a Monday afternoon??? (and I have just a little pyromania in me to have enjoyed it a little too much...)
See Ya Bye

Saturday, November 27, 2010


After the event at the Hall, Santa and Mrs Claus rode off onto Highway 129 in their " pimped up" Ranger. Vickie wanted to go too, but there was no room for her - she had to stay and do dishes...
Have you been good this year...
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Another successful event at the Wharncliffe Hall - Breakfast with Santa and Mrs Claus was a hit - even tho the weather was frightful the night before. Front row is Vickie, back row from left to right - Connie, Phyllis, Santa, Moi on Santa's lap, Mrs Claus in the back, Cheryle and Betty. We had about 40 people and the food was delicious. I always panic that it won't be ready on time or that we won't have enough food. But, it all seems to come together. We work very well as a team.
Some of the little kids were afraid at first of Santa, but once they sat on his lap and played with his bells, they were happy. And they left letters in the mail box for him.
Now I can relax and start a wash - there is no rest for the wicked....
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Friday, November 26, 2010


Well, it is that time of year. It had to come eventually. We woke up to this this morning. About 3-4 inches up here. And, to tell you the truth, I kinda like it. It was cold but you just dress warmly and drive carefully. No problems. Rejean drove back and forth along the laneway to pack the snow down to get a good base for the snowblower. If you used the blower without doing that, you would be spitting trap rock all over the place. Not a good idea. This is the year I learn how to work the blower. You never know when I will be called upon to blow snow. I am up for the challenge.
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In preparation for the Breakfast With Santa going on on Saturday, the Ladies Of Wharncliffe got Deb's Ranger ready for Santa and Mrs Claus. Their sleigh was in for repairs so we decorated the Ranger. We had a nice warm garage to do it in thanks to Denzeil. He came over to investigate a bunch of strange cars in his yard and he found us. But he let us continue and even offered to store the Ranger in his garage until Santa and Mrs Claus get here.
We should have a good turn out for the breakfast. It has been a while since the last function at the Hall so I think we will have not just kids and their parents but some of the locals as well. Cal and Sal are coming from Thessalon.
We have decorated the hall and it looks pretty good. I'll be sure to get some action photos tomorrow. I even have some Christmas CDs and a player so we won't have to sing.
I have to be at the hall at 7am - hey, aren't I supposed to be retired????
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Thursday, November 25, 2010


We went into town to give blood today and that is my blood you see in the picture. It took a while, as it usually does, but I donated a full bag. They always have problems finding a vein, then once they get the needle in, they have to jiggle it around to get the blood flowing. Then it keeps stopping then going - I have to squeeze a ball to get it pumping. But, after about 13 - 15 minutes, it is over. Then you get the free cookies. And, you know me, I'll do anything for free food.
I have O RH Negative. It is the kind that can be used on just about anyone, including new borns. When they see me coming, they are very happy.
So if you can donate, please do. It is something that you can do every 56 days. And you get cookies!!! What more is there...
Life IS good so share it.
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When our lake freezes before it snows, the lake ice looks black. This morning we woke up to just that situation. There was just a bit of snow but the majority of the ice was black. It is supposed to go down to -9 tonite so I think it will remain like that for a while - but it will be a long time before I venture out on it. Maybe around February...
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Ron and Rejean went out hunting the other day up around Hinkler (?) and got 3 birds. They are in my freezer right now awaiting a dinner opportunity. Yum Yum
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Sunday, November 21, 2010


Our local dump is manned on the days and hours that it is open to the public - the previous shelter was an old trailer - drafty, cramped and hard to heat and, much to Erla's dismay, housed the occasional mouse. Funds were made available for a new shelter which was completed by Ron and Rejean - with these two involved, you knew it was going to be nice. Ron started the project and Rejean assisted when he had some free time. And I must say, it looks great!! It is finished inside with pine, even on the ceiling. The floor was recently painted grey by Joanne. It has windows that open and close and a nice steel door. It will be heated by a propane heater when the weather turns cold - which, by the way happened today.Posted by Picasa It was moved down the highway on a trailer and Ron followed in his tractor to help put it in place. I wish I had been there for the event but I was on vacation. Thanks for getting these picture Rejean. I am sure the structure will outlive us all. Dave, who usually works the Dump is very happy, as is Erla, his substitute and me too. I am Erla's substitute.
We were supposed to visit Linda and John this evening but the weather has been nasty - the roads are very slick - heck, even the trap rock is slick. I don't want to take a chance, even tho it is only a short distance away - better to be safe than sorry - and winter is not even officially here yet!! :oO
See Ya Bye

Friday, November 19, 2010


I think I have already used that as a title before, but it applies again today. From 9am til 4pm, we baked 54 pies and about 10 doz perogies. We are trying to catch up on all our orders. And we also have a catered luncheon next week, another day of cooking, decorating the Hall for the Breakfast with Santa breakfast which will be on Saturday. Busy Busy Busy. And Christmas is just around the corner...when did that happen??? Thank goodness winter is a quiet time for us - we catch up on all our work here at home.
Rejean has a pile of the pine ready for me to varathane for the main floor front room. It has begun and I can't wait to get it finished. I can picture it now. With my new beautiful leather chair from Stacey and Andrew, I have planned my room around it. I guess it will be leather down there. I like the leather club chairs a lot. They have them in the new bistro in Thessalon - Tina's on Main. It is quite comfortable in there - they have the club chairs situated around a coffee table - that is where you have your drinks and food. Quite daring for Thessalon but I like it. I hope every body else does so it sticks around. I also have to incorporate my wooden rocking chair - maybe - or a love seat (so I can lie down and "rest")
I'll be taking pictures along the way - as soon as I find my camera - I think I left it in the car...

See Ya Bye

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I should have taken a picture of it before we ate it, but that didn't happen. I went to the Hall at 9am to bag perogies. We take orders and the other Ladies of Wharncliffe made a ton of perogies while I was, hmmm, on vacation. So I felt like I had to do my share. Phyllis and Vickie were already there getting ready to make more perogies. Actually 12 doz more perogies. The food sucker was slow so I helped while waiting for the sucker to suck and seal. We seal 1 doz perogie in a vacuum sealed bad and sell them for - wait for it - $1.50 - yes I know - almost free!!! And there are tasty. So I decided to buy some for dinner. Anythime I can get away from a big preparation, I do it. I was headed into town after so I planned to get some green onions and some old cheddar cheese. I also picked up some bacon so I wouldn't have to thaw any when I got home.
First I got some sliced bacon going in the pan then got my perogies in the water. By the time the bacon was done, so were the perogies. I put the perogies in the bacon grease and got a little crust going on them, then added the bacon back in. Heated that up for a moment, then put them on a cookie sheet, bacon over top and then shredded the cheddar cheese on it and put them under the broiler to melt the cheese. Then topped it off with the green onions - I am salivating just thinking about it and I finished dinner 2 hours ago.
The things I learn at the Hall - Who Knew???

See Ya Bye

Monday, November 15, 2010


I did my kindling this morning - and it took me about an hour to fill Rejean's pail and my drawer. I like the thinner pieces of cedar and they were few and far between in the pieces that Rejean brought in for me. I have problems with chopping the thicker pieces into the manageable pieces. I managed to get some new pieces which made my chore easier. I always know when the cedar is nice and dray - when you chop off one section and it flies across the room. I like that.

We brought up the dock also today. Figures the cedar boards were heavy because of the rain we had - made for a heavy job. We used a fridge cart to move the sections of dock - and I must admit, it made it a lot easier. We also put the snow shovels into the wood shed - just in case...

And it snowed a bit today - just a taste of what is yet to come.

Tomorrow, I help bag the perogies at the Hall. And Friday, we bake more pies. And on Saturday, November 27th we are hosting a "Breakfast With Santa" at the hall. We will be serving scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, home fries and home made biscuits, all for $5.00. And Santa will be there!!! I have my elf hat all ready...

See ya Bye

Sunday, November 14, 2010


You can't really tell from this angle but this must have been one big bear - you can't make out the circumferance of it - but I did and I am glad we have guns with us. It was old but you never know where he is...
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I bet he's back tonite to finish this one off...
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We found a lot of activity on the lake - this was interesting - the beaver had felled this tree, then chewed off the bark on all sides of it. I would have paid good money to see him do it...
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Yesterday morning, the last day of hunting season for deer, we decided to go for a hike to plot out a trail to a lake our property borders . Out of 4 guys, 3 of them had GPSs - this is them doing a consult. My compass pinned on my coat didn't work because of the wire in my bra!! Yes, I could have been lost due to my boobs!!! I guess I have to go to wireless in the future. But we did manage to reach the lake - lots of beaver activity as you have seen in the following posts.

No deer were harmed on our property this year...yes, we were skunked - but we have already been discussing next years strategies...
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Friday, November 12, 2010


Susan loves to look for shells on the beach. We stopped in at a small store and I secretly purchased a perfect closed shell that I was going to plant on the beach for her to find the next morning. I got Joanne and Chris to distract her and I placed the shell so that she could not miss it (and so no one else could find it before her) You should have seen her face when she saw the shell - she was so thrilled to have found a perfect shell. We all had a good laugh, including Susan. Only sisters can do that to each other - and is a treasure now.
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Stacey and Andrew were in Orlando the same time we were in St Pete Beach and they popped over to see us for a couple of hours during our stay. Andrew had a car so we all piled in and headed for Scully's at John's Pass. They could only stay for a cocktail but what fun we had. Thanks for the visit!! Family is everything!!!
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Thursday, November 11, 2010


My view of the Killing Fields - not a creature was stirring....
All dressed up and ready to go...

I have been going out every day since I returned from Florida - we pushed for a few days but now we are sitting in blinds. My blind of choice today was over on the mine side over looking the Killing Fields. I didn't see anything except a red squirrel who could have cared less about me looking at him and a big blue jay making a lot of noise. But it was a pleasant way to spend a sunny cool afternoon. I enjoyed myself.
See Ya Bye


With deepest sympathies to the Friesen Family on the loss of a beloved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend. He will be remembered with great love and affection.

I am thinking of you all...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This yellow birtch had a big burl that surrounded the bottom of the tree - and it had been hollowed out partially with a chain saw. I could fit in it - it would be a great place to use as a blind. The deer would never see you in there.
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What a difference a day makes - just the other day I was walking on a sandy beach and today I am trapsing thru the bush with my hunting boots on and my 20 gauge ready to shoot any deer that walks by - maybe. Still don't know if I can do it but I hope I get the chance to see. Maybe tomorrow - I will be sitting in the permanent blind on the Killing Fields. We found some fresh tracks there today so maybe. The rest of the crew are going to be sitting in various blinds around the property - we have found some fresh scrapes - the bucks scrape the ground then urinate on it - then they come back to see if does have peed on it, signaling that they are ready to - how can I put this - mate with the bucks - sounds kind of sexy to me. But I like the way I do it. I'll let you know tomorrow how I do. Wish me luck...
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Monday, November 8, 2010


Found these guys hanging off the side of a building - neat!!!
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I just had to take a picture of this front door and chairs we found on our travels in St Pete Beach. I have never seen one like it before and the chairs...I want them!!!
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Me, Susan, Chris (honorary Scott Sister for this trip), and Joanne. Just finished dinner at the Wharf on Thursday nite. I had the Grouper sandwich and it was delicious!!!
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This was the view from our railing just outside of our room. We had a great time in Florida. We have made our reservations already for the same rooms for next year. The countdown has begun...
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