Our local dump is manned on the days and hours that it is open to the public - the previous shelter was an old trailer - drafty, cramped and hard to heat and, much to Erla's dismay, housed the occasional mouse. Funds were made available for a new shelter which was completed by Ron and Rejean - with these two involved, you knew it was going to be nice. Ron started the project and Rejean assisted when he had some free time. And I must say, it looks great!! It is finished inside with pine, even on the ceiling. The floor was recently painted grey by Joanne. It has windows that open and close and a nice steel door. It will be heated by a propane heater when the weather turns cold - which, by the way happened today.
It was moved down the highway on a trailer and Ron followed in his tractor to help put it in place. I wish I had been there for the event but I was on vacation. Thanks for getting these picture Rejean. I am sure the structure will outlive us all. Dave, who usually works the Dump is very happy, as is Erla, his substitute and me too. I am Erla's substitute.

We were supposed to visit Linda and John this evening but the weather has been nasty - the roads are very slick - heck, even the trap rock is slick. I don't want to take a chance, even tho it is only a short distance away - better to be safe than sorry - and winter is not even officially here yet!! :oO
See Ya Bye
There is dad lookin' all 'Gangsta' with his hoodie and pant leg tucked in the boot!! lol
He does have a certain "style" to him, doesn't he?
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