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Saturday, August 6, 2011


August 14th, 2011 is the Wharncliffe Pig Roast and Silent Auction and Bake Sale and these beauties will be going up for bid. They were originally mine but certain people (who shall remain nameless) didn't like them - they were uncomfortable - but not to me. I loved them - they looked good on my veranda. Then I gave them to Jen and Steve who were going to use them at the bunkie but then they found chairs that were in the colors that they were looking for so these became homeless. Thank goodness we didn't take them to the dump store where people could pick them up for free!!! Now, they can pay and the $$ can go to the Wharncliffe Fire Hall. Along with the bow and arrows I picked up at the last year's auction - I prefer guns. Plus any other treasures I can find around here.

So, if you are in the neighbourhood next Sunday and are looking for some excitment, stop by - meals are at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 - the Silent Auction will be on in the afternoon as well as the bake sale. $12 for the meal, beer and wine will be available as well as pop.

Who knows, these chairs could be going home with you...for a price...
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1 comment:

Karen said...

Enjoy some eats at the pig roast for me! Hope there's a dinner happening when I'm up in a few weeks!