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Monday, October 17, 2011


This picture was taken after the 2 sittings and we finally got a chance to sit down and eat. It was good. I, too, have to wear a hair net and hat and white apron. I remember back when I got my first job at The Red Barn I had to wear an apron, too. A little white apron on my black skirt and white blouse. I don't remember if I had to wear a hat - maybe somebody out there can remember what we wore. This would be back in the late 60's. I know, I am dating myself but what can I say...
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Eddie O said...

at the cornor of Tecumseh and Central, can't remember...good chicken and fries though

northernbliss said...

Actually, it was the one at Lauzon and Tecumseh - many, many good memories...

Anonymous said...

i just remember 10 cent hamburgers after rollerskating

Anonymous said...

Was that rollerskating at Riverside Arena ? Sad news Riverside Arena all gone, torn down this year in July. All we have are memories left