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Monday, November 28, 2011


Meet the new addition to the Wharncliffe Fire Team.  Standing with pride is our fire captain Brian.  The guys were at the hall today loading up all the equipment from the old van into the new vehicle.  We just have to get the proper town name put on the doors and we are all set to protect the community.


Phyllis called me this morning and asked me to pick her up because she couldn't get out of her roadway because of this accident.  It was an empty log hauler who  blew a tire on a curve and ended up in her driveway.  Good thing he was empty because the driver would have been killed.  He walked away.  He plowed into their driveway - fuel was spilled so it looks like it could be a winter project for the clean-up.
See Ya Bye

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I think it has a lot to do with his beautiful winter coat but Boots is looking very good lately.  I haven't seen his girl friend - I am hoping for little ones in the spring.  Boots looks stocky with his little short legs and his big bushy tail.  He got 2 gut piles from us plus others in the area.  Someone gutted a deer over at the gravel pit by Axe Lake and just left it in the pit - locals spotted some wolves feeding there - Rejean and I saw one crossing the highway the other day - again with the winter coats, the animals are spectacular.  But Boots still comes around when he isn't out hunting.
We found some black oil sunflower seeds at a decent price so we bought 3 50 pound bags (what we usually go thru in a winter) so the birds are slowly coming around.  The squirrel had no problems finding the seeds on the ground.  Gotta get the peanuts out...
See Ya Bye


We gathered the troops together after the Breakfast With Santa and got this picture. 
From the left back row...Ron, who did a marvelous job with the potatoes - Vickie, who mastered the sausages and held babies and hugged a lot of people - Phyllis, who makes the magic happen and keeps us in line - Mrs Clause (aka Debbie who provided the Ranger for Santa's arrival) - Mary who kept the pancakes flowing - Santa and yes the beard is real and me on Santa's lap where I told him I had been a very good girl this year.
We had a good turnout for the breakfast - a lot of little kids and even more big kids - you are never too old for Breakfast with Santa.
See you next year....

Thursday, November 24, 2011


The Ladies of Wharncliffe catered a luncheon at the credit union in town today.  We met yesterday to bake the deserts, cut the veggies and pickles and prepared the filling for the sandwiches.  This morning we made the sandwiches, packed up the cars and headed to the credit union.  They expected about 40 guests and they were ready when we set up.
This Saturday is the annual Breakfast with Santa - a full breakfast with Santa and Mrs Claus who arrive by "pimped up" ranger which we will decorate tomorrow in Denzel's garage.  It is a 7am start on Saturday so I better get my rest...


It has been cold overnite so our lake is freezing over.  Just a very thin layer but freezing none the less and with the light snow we had, you can really see it.  The other smaller lakes in the area are frozen just around the edges, not like ours.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I had the opportunity this afternoon to meet Bubbles, a 10 month old English Bull dog belonging to Carson.  She was very shy at first but after a few minutes (and a dog treat that I gave her) she warmed up to me.  What a sweetheart.  She is about 40 pounds of dog, sturdy legs, short almost none existent tail, and a beautiful smile.  There was a bit of slobber - I washed my jacket when I got home - but what a small price to pay to make friends with Bubbles.
See Ya Bye

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I think I posted the same picture twice - but yes folks, it is that time of year where I am just amazed at all the beautiful scenery around here and this picture was taken at about 4:30 this afternoon after all the snow we had yesterday.  There is not a breeze and the lake was like glass.  I couldn't resist.
We all went out this morning across the lake - we only found one set of tracks but across on the mine side there were tons.  The trail cam indicated that they were all out after dark and before dawn - times when it is illegal to hunt.  How do they know???
A big spiral sliced glazed ham for dinner tonite that the guys brought up and tomorrow nite we will be deep frying a turkey.  Lots of leftovers...yum yum...
See ya Bye

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We got off easy this year - November 16th and this is the first real snow we have received.  I must admit it is pretty and not that cold but then again, winter has not arrived yet up north.  When I walked to the road to get the mail, the roads look slick and we have a new company taking care of the plowing and rumor has it that the number of plows has been cut drastically.  Last year the road crews were out with even just a dusting of snow - this year will be different.  I will just have to be careful on the roads - I just hope everyone  else is.
The birds will be going hungry this year - we usually feed them the black oil sunflower seeds that used to be $20 for a 50 pound bag and I go thru about 3-4 bags per winter.  This year it is $48 per bag because they are now using the black oil in a bio fuel!!!  So much for the birds...if anyone out there knows where I can get it for the original price, please let me know.  I enjoy feeding the birds.
I have the fire going up stairs and downstairs, the guys have just come in from hunting - we have 2 deer this year so far.  Roger got one - a big doe - the first day and Ed got his doe (smaller than Roger's) on Sunday.  I can taste those pepperonis now.  I have been out in the blind for 2 days and have only seen a blue bird but I will be going out with the guys tomorrow pushing the mountain.  I still don't know what will happen if I see one - time will tell.
See Ya Bye

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Talk about a great day for weddings.  There were 5 going on at the Don - the big pink palace down the beach and the Bon Aire had 2 going on.  These were the participants in the one I saw.  It was a beautiful nite for the events, and the sunset was beautiful - altho there weren't any clouds which does make them prettier.  The bride and groom and attendants were in their bare feet of course.  And the groomsmen had shorts on and casual shirts.  The bride's dress was a halter which showed off her beautiful tan and their little girl was precious in her yellow sundress.  Cute family.


They were everywhere this year - I have never seen so many of them.  They provided some entertainments for us while we were basking in the sun.  A big grey bird came walking into the area and caught and swallowed one!!  Just a little tidbit for him.
This guy posed for me on some weird looking plant that kinda resembled something - that's all I am saying...


We started our vacation by staying at the Marriott near the Detroit Airport on Friday nite.  You stay one nite and get 8 days free parking.  This was a different hotel than the one I had previously stayed at - the rooms were bigger her.  Our flight left at 8:30am and we got there in plenty of time.  You park in the lot across the street, a shuttle picks you up at your car and delivers you to your terminal.  When you return from your vacation, the shuttle takes you back to your vehicle and you are on your way home.  Easy Peasy.
I will book this for next year for sure.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


It is so easy to get people to take your picture on the beach in Florida - everyone is so friendly.  We had fabulous weather - the best so far.  Friday was the only off day and it was cooler but still sunny - we rented a car and went shopping!!
There is something about spending time with your sisters - there is a connection there you have with no one else.  We could never have done this when we were younger - we didn't appreciate each other the way we do now.  I cherish them and enjoy every moment with them - life is way too short to let little things get in the way of life.
See Ya Bye


You have to read the pictures from the bottom up to get the presentation of the salad that Susan and Joanne ordered from Sea Hag Restaurant - a new place that we visited last week in Florida.  I had the Cuban sandwich - I could only eat half so we split the other half for lunch the next day.  Tuesday nite when we went there was MoTown nite so the music was great.  We went back on Friday nite, our last nite in Florida and had drinks and appetizers.  Very Very Good!!!


We hit the Happy Hour at Sea Critters in Florida - they were delicious.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Yesterday Linda and I got all Spa'd up. It was my birthday present to Linda and I am going to Florida so I needed my toes and fingers done. We went to the Serenity Spa in Bruce Mines. Arlene Labelle is the owner/operator and sole esthetician. She opened special for Linda and I. I think because she heard the sobs in my voice when she first told me she couldn't fit us in. So she met us at 11:30 am on Hallowe'en morning and finished us in 5 hours. Pedis and Manis for both of us. It was nice to be pampered for a change. I choose a dark chocolate brown for my digits and Linda liked my color so much she choose the same color for her nails. She had a nice deep cranberry for her toes. Arleen was a joy to be around - she survived the 5 hours with Linda and I which is saying a lot.
The next time we go - which should be around Christmas - I am going to bring some margharitas to sip on as we pass the time. Olay!!!
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A new face appeared this morning with Boots - please read post below.
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Boots brought along a new friend this morning. I couldn't tell if it was a female but I am going to assume it was. She was smaller than Boots and paler in color. She lay there until Boots was done, then came over and licked the bowl then ran off to be with Boots. She was timid when she saw me but never ran completely away. Boots had his ears down for a bit and kept his eyes on her. You can really tell how big Boots is when you compare him to the new fox. I guess it is all those leftovers from the Hall and the chicken hotdogs he loves so much.
I don't mind the extra mouth to feed - I have seen 4 foxes around our place at the same time but that was just for a small period of time.

OK readers, what should I call the new fox? You came thru with Boot's name so what do you think?
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