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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We got off easy this year - November 16th and this is the first real snow we have received.  I must admit it is pretty and not that cold but then again, winter has not arrived yet up north.  When I walked to the road to get the mail, the roads look slick and we have a new company taking care of the plowing and rumor has it that the number of plows has been cut drastically.  Last year the road crews were out with even just a dusting of snow - this year will be different.  I will just have to be careful on the roads - I just hope everyone  else is.
The birds will be going hungry this year - we usually feed them the black oil sunflower seeds that used to be $20 for a 50 pound bag and I go thru about 3-4 bags per winter.  This year it is $48 per bag because they are now using the black oil in a bio fuel!!!  So much for the birds...if anyone out there knows where I can get it for the original price, please let me know.  I enjoy feeding the birds.
I have the fire going up stairs and downstairs, the guys have just come in from hunting - we have 2 deer this year so far.  Roger got one - a big doe - the first day and Ed got his doe (smaller than Roger's) on Sunday.  I can taste those pepperonis now.  I have been out in the blind for 2 days and have only seen a blue bird but I will be going out with the guys tomorrow pushing the mountain.  I still don't know what will happen if I see one - time will tell.
See Ya Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should use these pictures for your christmas cards....they LQQK so pretty