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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We got the call at about 6:30 from Ron to come over and see what he caught.  We knew it had to be a big one but we didn't even imagine it was a big walleye - we thought maybe a lake trout but no, it was a walleye.

31 1/2 inches in length
17 1/4 inches in girth
and weighing in at a hefty 10 pounds 11 ounces
caught in Jobam 1 at about 5:30pm

He was in his ice hut alone when it hit.  Thank goodness he had a gaff handy to help get it thru the hole.  It is all wrapped up in the freezer ready to take to the taxidermist.

Nice Fish Ron!!!


Ricky said...

Hey Ron,
I see your're wearing the Valenite hat I gave you....must of brought you
some luck!...." I WANT IT BACK '
Just kidding....nice fish.

Eddie O said...

only thing I can say WWOOOOOWWW nice fish must of gotten that big from eating trout...hehehe

Anonymous said...

fish stew anyone??looks like enough for a yanet and crew to brew up-great catch-ss