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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

F I S H ! ! !

The girls went shopping and the guys went fishing - I wonder who had the most fun.  As you can see, the guys made out like bandits - got their limit of walleye and 5 bass. 
Guess what is for dinner tomorrow nite...F I S H ! ! !

See Ya Bye

Monday, June 25, 2012


Rick and Joan spotted this one in their hedge - any ideas on what it is?  I tried to look it up but couldn't find it.  You can't tell but it is a good size.  I'll keep looking and let you know if I find it.
But I promise, this is the last one - maybe...
It is a Eacles Imperialis.  I just looked it up on-line.


Elliot Lake is not that far away from us and the situation there during the past few days is hard to imagine.  One confirmed dead, 30 missing and now they have just changed the mission from rescue to recovery which means that they don't expect to find survivors.  There was one confirmed survivor on Sunday because with their equipment they could hear breathing but it is just not safe to try and find that person.
Elliot Lake has a  great  mining history and I know that during mine rescues, they never gave up until every man was recovered - I don't know why they can't do the same in this instance.
My thoughts and prayers are with them.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Another nice nite so Rick and Rejean just went out on our lake for some fishing and what a nite they had.  Here is a sample of some of our bass.  It is always catch and release the bass so that someone else can enjoy them.
See Ya Bye


I wasn't going to pick this baby up for a picture - just keep it in the net!!  It had teeth!!!  Rick, Rejean and myself went out on Tunnel again last nite - another beautiful evening.  I hooked into a small  bass and this one.  I had had a snag and lost the whole set up and while Rejean was retying my rod, he let me use his rod.  And guess what happened - I hooked into this beauty.  Again it felt like a snag but then it started pulling drag!!  A lot of drag!!  I only had 6 pound test on my slow death riggin'.  After what seemed like a long time we finally got it in the net and in the boat - I had hooked him in the corner of his mouth - you can see a bit of blood from his mouth - this did not hurt him in an way.  That is why I didn't loose him - if it had been in his lips or the front of his mouth, he would have cut the line in an instant.  We got some pictures and let him go to fight another fight. 
It was about 3 feet long and the guys guessed over 10 pounds!!  It was the biggest fish I have ever caught.

Rejean wants credit as well because it was his rod.... and the drag was set just right and my rod may not have been so I thank Rejean for that.  AND he netted it  so credit where credit is due.

Needless to say, I was happy!!

Friday, June 22, 2012


...spend Friday nite applying on line for your CPP...

Yes boys and girls, I am getting to that magic number 6-0 (not for another 8 months)  But isn't it supposed to be the new 40??  I don't know about you but I am still amazed that I have almost reach that plateau.  I don't feel that old altho when I look in the mirror, I do see things that weren't there before.  Things I have no control over so I have come to embrace them.  I wear my silver hair with pride and I have earned every single  laugh and worry line on my face.

It just gets better every year!!!


Here's that picture of the Modest Sphinx Moth and, as you can see if you scroll down to the 4 moth post from a week ago, it is the 4th previously unidentified moth.  Isn't the internet great!!!  Now you know.

LAST MOTH IDENTIFIED is a Modest Sphinx Moth - I will try and upload a picture for you to compare but that is what it is!!


Oooops - I wasn't going to mention her name but look who won the lottery!!!!
We drove all the way to the Sault a few weeks ago to cash in her lucky lottery ticket but when we went to the lottery headquarters, we were told we had to go to the Casino - sure - Linda wins and we have to go to the Casino where we, I mean she, will probably spend all her winnings.  But she had to wait for her cheque in the mail!!!  The cheque finally came in on Monday and it is safely in the bank - but I did get a picture of her and her validation paper.

Way to go Linda - Good For You!!!

Look out J C Penney and Walmart, girls with money on the loose...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


This has been positively identified as a Blinded Sphinx Moth - I double checked on Google.  Stacey has a blog and one of her friends, Julie, let her know what it was.

Three down and one to go...

Monday, June 18, 2012


This is a picture of a Sphinx Moth - you will notice it does not look anything like any of the 4 moths previously posted and one mis-identified as a Sphinx moth.  My friend Linda, aka Snobich, notified me of this fact today and provided me with a picture of one.  Actually this moth is more like a hummingbird than a moth - it can hover and has a long "tongue" used to drink the nectar and pollinate the flowers. 
I will have to identify the other 2 moths of the previous post - any help would be appreciated.

Moths are not my forte...


It was a nice day yesterday - Sunday - and looking even better the later in the day you got so I persuaded Rejean to take me fishing (wasn't too hard to do).  It would have been the first time I was in the boat this year.  We were trying a new rig - a "slow death" hook, sinker and just a worm.  We trolled along the shore on Tunnel Lake.  Now I have been fishing a long time and know the difference between a snag and a fish - or so I thought.  I announced I had a fish - a big fish - on.  It was moving and I was reeling it in - Rejean had the net and was ready to net him.  After a few minutes, I noticed that it was not moving and realized it had been a snag all along.  Rejean laughed and teased me for a while after - quite a while after if you must know.  "It was a bottom fish - tree trout - big fish" I just put up with it and kept on fishing.  I let him have his fun.
Then, I hooked into this big one.  I felt it move so I thought it's a big fish - then it didn't move and I second guessed myself because of what had happened earlier.  I didn't want a replay of the previous "fish".  But then it moved again and I was reeling it in.  I must have changed my mind about it being a fish, no a snag, no a fish,  a few times.  Finally you could see the flash of gold and Rejean netted it.  What a beauty - I think it is the biggest walleye I have ever caught.  24 inches long!!  We didn't have a scale but guessed it to be 4 - 4 1/2 pounds.  I think because it was so big that it really
Rejean had got a small one earlier in the evening so everyone caught a fish.  It is cleaned and ready for dinner tomorrow nite.  Even the cheeks are big!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


This is one of the few pictures I have of my Dad and me - we are sitting on a 250 Harley Davidson that he bought for his girls (I think he enjoyed it more than we did).  But I can still remember this day, one of the good days.  He has also been gone since October of 1981.

As I have said before in other posts, my father had his demons, as we all do and there were more days than not that I didn't like him much.  But the good times with him are very good memories and I try and focus on those.  And that is what I am remembering today.  The good times.

Happy Father's Day.


I had a few complaints that my photo of Keith and Rejean was too dark so I fixed it.

Can't you just hear Keith laughing?

Saturday, June 16, 2012


These 4 beauties were hanging out at the Post last nite when we were there - the green one is the Luna moth, the next one is a Cercropia moth, North America's largest moth and I know one of the other 2 is a Shpinx moth but I don't know which one and I didn't get a clear picture of the other one that looked like a Stelth bomber.
Never knew there were so many species of moths - who knew???


It was Rejean's birthday yesterday and we met our friends at the Sinton Tavern in Thessalon for their Friday nite fish fry which is really a smorg.  The top photo is of Stacey with her first "traveller" on the way to town - quite bold of her I must say - when no one else had one :o(  Linda stuck a candle in the desert offered by the Tavern and it was enough for us all to sing a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday To You.  I think the Tavern owner was very happy to see our group as good money was spent on the celebration - pictured at the bar from the left is John, Stacey (just barely), Ron, Rejean and Gerry - not pictured but sitting at the table was Linda, Diane, Andrew and Mary - and me of course. We ended the nite harassing Keith at the Post who joined us in a drink and a smoke.  A good time was had by all.
See Ya Bye

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We were out exploring after our ice cream cones at the Post when we spotted this bird.  He just froze with his "nose" as Stacey called it, pointing up in the air.  Well this is how this bird reacts to intruders.  He is stripped and while frozen in place, he resembles the reeds in his marsh habitat.  But I saw him.  I have never seen one before and when I got back home I looked him up in my trusty Birds Of Ontario handbook.  I guess I should keep track of all my bird sightings because they are starting to add up and some of them have been extraordinary - like this one.  Nice to see something so different.

See Ya Bye

Monday, June 11, 2012


A few of the farmers left on Sunday and the remainder went on a 4 wheeler ride to the Mississagi River. They hadn't had a chance to see the river and it was too hot to fish so we geared up and off we went - I even went along for the ride as we had more bikes than riders.  It was very refreshing to take a ride through Snowshoe Creek that empties into the Mississagi - I should have brought my fishing box because it looked so much that there could be a fish in that there river.  Maybe next time...


Hard to believe but the fun is all over - until next year because they have booked the camp for next year!! And why not - the four wheeling was great, the fishing was not the best but they had enough for a good fish fry last nite here, the weather has been amazing and everyone had a great time.
Keith's son even came for a visit from the Sault with a buddy and they both caught some good size fish.

And as the guys said more than a few times - it was not about the fishing, it was about a group of great friends spending time together and enjoying themselves.

'Nuff said.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


It was Hockey night on the lake last nite - thank goodness Bob's garage was available for the game.  There was 10 farmers plus the Axe Lake gang plus Rejean and myself so that adds up to a lot of people.  I thought that the pool table would be put to good use but everyone was too busy talking and laughing and watching the game.  Some of the farmers came by truck and some came by 4 wheelers - any excuse to get the machines on the trails.
Some of the farmers are going home Sunday and then the rest on Monday.  Tired but happy.
I expect to see them again next year.

See Ya Bye


At least one of the farmers got a nice walleye - the fishing has not been the best but I don't think they have noticed - they are too busy 4 wheeling, playing Lost Heir, cooking, and just generally relaxing.  I think they will be back next year and they are more than welcome...

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I just noticed that I have a new follower - Nick Carter.  I visited his blog the other night and commented on one of his posts - guess what - he fishes!!  His blog is called Angling for Something and he is from the United Kingdom.  He posts some nice catches.
I promise to have more fish pictures just for you.  If you go back to older posts I am sure you will find a few great catches.


Just realized that if you visit the fish pond and right click you will leave a little fish food for the fish!!  And they quickly gobble it up.  How cool...


Andrew just sent this photo from his I-Phone so I thought I would share.  Looks like fun, don't you think?

Boys will be Boys...


They have decided to go for a 4 wheeler trip today so they all met here  before the big ride.  10 Farmers, Rejean and Andrew - stay off the roads.... they couldn't have asked for a better day, sunny and no humidity - they'll have a great time and fish another time.
See Ya Bye

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


This time tomorrow there will be 10 farmers here from around the Listowel area.  Among them is Jack, my brother-in-law plus 9 of his nearest and dearest friends who are coming up here to fish and 4 wheel.  I don't know if any of them still farm but that is what we call them.  They are leaving today about 4pm so they should be here around midnight or so.  I don't know how many vehicles there will be but there are boats and 8 4 wheelers set to arrive.  We will also be taking them out on an all-dayer 4 wheeler ride  - I hear some of them are looking more forward to that than the fishing.  None of them will be staying with us - we made arrangements at a Camp up the road for them near Tunnel Lake where they will be fishing over the next 4 days.
So....let the fun begin...


Things started to go wrong with my Jeep Compass like the clunk I heard, the squeaky noises, every light on the dash board came on, no cruise control and no 4-wheel drive - and the warranty had expired - it was time to get a new car.  I had previously test drove the 2012 Compass and I did like it - they had gussied it up to the point that it was too fancy for me.  Then I test drove the new Patriot - now this is more me.  It has the round headlights and grill work that a true Jeep has - I just felt more me in it.  And I liked the red.
I am very happy with my new purchase - and a 5 year extended warranty to boot.

Now you will be able to recognize me when you see me again ;o)

Monday, June 4, 2012


I had to take Ute into town today for a shot of blood thinners - she broke her ankle a few weeks ago - and on the way I spotted a young moose in the swamp - right where Stacey and Andrew think the plug is - we turned around and got a couple of pictures before we continued on our way and she continued to feed in the swamp.  I didn't have my good camera so the closeups aren't really that good - but I think you have the ability to zoom in on these pictures.
It is always nice to see such a magnificent animal - I don't know how anyone can shoot them.
Big ears!!!
See Ya Bye

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Today we went with Ron and Mary to check out the place they will be putting their trailer at this summer and we also met John and Linda at their trailer for a tail-gate luncheon.  The weather called for scattered showers and they certainly were - we were in and out of a light rain all day long but it certainly didn't stop us from having a good time.
The first half of our trip was devoted to going someplace I have never been before and from what I saw, a great place.  Can't wait to go back with a fishing rod!!!
When we got to John and Linda's John had a nice fire going - altho he said it took a long time to get it started.  He cooked his Brenner hotdogs over the open fire.  I had made a potato salad and Mary brought the sandwiches, pickles, cheese etc.  It was delicious - I had too much to eat - and Mary also brought cookies for desert and then we stopped at the Aubrey Trading Post for an ice-cream!!  Needless to say I did not eat dinner.  There is a nice picture of Linda sitting in her trailer - it's a perfect size for what they need and I think we are going to start looking for a little trailer that we can hitch up and head up the highway for a change of scenery.
It was a good day to spend with friends...

Saturday, June 2, 2012


We picked up Ron and Mary yesterday afternoon to have dinner at the Sinton in Thessalon - I drove.  There was a large semi in front of us carrying what looked like steel.  Approaching the intersection of Highway 17 and 129, the truck had his indicator on to turn right onto the Trans Canada highway.  He proceeded to turn, moving slowly as it was a big heavy truck.  I glanced to the left in time to see a huge tanker carrying fuel barreling straight at the slow moving truck turning right in front of him in his lane.  The fuel tanker moved into the oncoming traffic lane to the left - thank goodness there was no cars in that lane or the fuel truck would have had to make a quick decision - slam on his brakes which would have caused the back end to slid into us  or a head on collision with the oncoming traffic or swerve to the right and hit us broadside.  We all were watching this happen right in front of us - all happening so quick you would not have had time to react.
There was oncoming traffic but far enough away that the fuel truck safely made it back into his lane.  It was raining as well so the highway was nice and slippery.
I have to thank my Guardian Angel for watching over us yesterday.  Thanks Mom.