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Friday, June 22, 2012


Oooops - I wasn't going to mention her name but look who won the lottery!!!!
We drove all the way to the Sault a few weeks ago to cash in her lucky lottery ticket but when we went to the lottery headquarters, we were told we had to go to the Casino - sure - Linda wins and we have to go to the Casino where we, I mean she, will probably spend all her winnings.  But she had to wait for her cheque in the mail!!!  The cheque finally came in on Monday and it is safely in the bank - but I did get a picture of her and her validation paper.

Way to go Linda - Good For You!!!

Look out J C Penney and Walmart, girls with money on the loose...


Unknown said...

Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Linda
Hey didnt Janet introduce you to Licor 43 ? Did you know it is now available at LCBO. The LCBO in S.S.M. has 3 bottles and it is on sale right now