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Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Years ago when we did the addition, we built a veranda which has a roof.  It has a steel roof to match our original roof.  When it snows and then melts, the built up snow on the original roof slides down on the veranda roof - somethings it shakes the whole house on it's way down.  Well the other nite while we were watching the news, we saw the snow slide down with a crash.  There was a lot of it as well.  And since it was supposed to be milder which would have turned that snow to ice, we decided to clean it up right then.  First we had to shovel the snow off the veranda roof which is tricky because it can be very slippery up there - you have to walk on the bolts and reach far enough with the shovel that it pushes it over the side.  I pushed as far as I could go and Rejean cleaned it up and pushed it all over the edge.  Then he got the tractor to load the snow and dumped it  over the hill.  You can't "blow" it because it is too hard. I cleaned up the side of the house while Rejean got the front.  But we got it down in a couple of hours - no work out for me as that was enough for the night.

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