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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


According to my weather authority Kim, 4 inches of the white stuff fell in her area but I think we got a bit more - it is still snowing as I type and more is expected tonite and tomorrow.  Winter just does not want to quit and it is the first day of Spring tomorrow.  this time last year we had no snow and the ice was almost off the lakes.  Not this year.  According to the locals, this is a "normal" northern winter.  I really don't have any complaints but I am ready for spring.
I got a good shot of my woodpecker today.  It is a Hairy Woodpecker - as opposed to a Downy Woodpecker which are very similar.  The difference is in the bill.  AND guess who is back.  Boots.  I never saw him all winter altho his tracks were everywhere.  But the other morning, there he was, sleeping on the snowbank.  I tapped on the window and he got up, stretched and trotted over for breakfast.  But he is a little slower and his eyes looked sleepy - this has to be the 4th year he has been around and the actual life expectancy of fox in the wild is about 5 so he can be considered a senior - just like me.  I am happy he is back.  I missed him.
See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

glad to see boots-he makes you happy-ss

Meagan Beavers said...

So glad to see Boot's is back!!