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Sunday, April 28, 2013


Look who we called in.  You can just make the Barred Owl out in profile (it was a tricky shot as I was in the drivers seat leaning over Mary who was playing the owl call in the passenger seat) but it still turned out pretty good.  This was just after the first stop and as we were driving south down 129, Ute or Mary spotted this guy in the tree.  He must have heard the calls and flown in to investigate us.  He stayed for a few minutes and once he realized he couldn't eat us, mate with us or fight with us, he flew silently away.  We heard Woodcocks and geese and Sandhill Cranes but finally at the last stop of the evening, as we were walking back to the car, we heard them.  THEM!!  There had to be at least 3 calling back and forth and I heard them as clear as day.  What an experience for me.  I count it as one of the most exciting things in my life.  It was amazing to actually hear them hooting back and forth at each other and at us.  This must have gone on for about 5-10 minutes.  And they were close.
It was a moment I will never forget, ever.

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