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Monday, May 20, 2013


Rejean notified me that there was a snake down by the dock so I grabbed my camera - and some worms - and headed out for a photo shoot.  It was a good size one -a bit sluggish as it was still a bit cool out and the sun wasn't out.  I threw a couple of worms close to him and he reacted.  He slowly turns to the movement, flashes his tongue and then grabs the worm and down it goes.  I think he got about 3 so he is good for the day.  He is still there, slowly moving away into the pine needles.  I am sure I will see him again as now he knows where the food is ;op
Who needs a dog when you have a snake, a fish, a fox, birds, squirrels etc

ps - we got 6 walleye last nite - 2 each - plus I caught a bass but released him as he is not in season - yet.

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