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Wednesday, June 5, 2013


We got away on Monday to get everything all set up and to spend our first nite in our "Vacation from Paradise" site.  And we could not have asked for a better day.  It was windy and cool which helped keep the bugs at bay.  It was pretty easy getting the trailers in place and Ron had his tractor up there so we could level and grade the area.  There were a few low spots but we found some fill and tool care of those.  The outhouse/shed was already in place and I am proud to say that I was the first person to use the facilities.  And it worked just fine thank you.  I got a picture of our fire pit.  Someone really came up with a good idea of welding sign posts to a truck tire rim.  Someone even cut out a lid and welded a handle on it.  We have all our fires in it and cover it up at nite and in the rain to keep it nice and dry.  It is perfect.  It burns all our paper plates and burnables.  Ron got all set up in his kitchen area of his trailer.  He loves to cook so we let him and he makes great breakfasts, too.
There is also a picture of the lake that we have a great view of.  Can't wait to get in there fishing!!  Pike and pickerel and probably bass.  It is 6 miles long so there is plenty of lake to go around.
I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time there this summer and fall.
Let the fun begin...


Anonymous said...

So does that mean that Paradise site is available for rent when you guys go to the vacation site. What is the daily rate for the Paradise site

Anonymous said...

Great idea do you have a schedule started yet