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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

JUST SOME UPDATES... my flu shot yesterday - I was not looking forward to it as last year my arm was extremely sore for days after.  But, I am happy to say, that my arm is ok and I even slept on it last nite.
We picked up the trailer from Hinkler and got it winterized and it is now wintering on the other property.  I will clean it up in the spring.
Bird season (altho not yet over) was great this year since we have been heading up to Hinkler.  We were never "skunked" and we have our winter supply of birds in the freezer.  They are great cut into strips, coated in bread crumbs, cooked in butter and dipped in maple syrup.  Yum Yum.
We all have our moose tags - calf only - but so far no luck.  Ron has only seen the bulls and cows but no calves and we hear that no one is having any better luck.  But the season ends in December so there is still time.
That leaves deer season.  As I announced to the world a few weeks ago, I got a doe tag this year (happy happy happy) as did a couple of other people so we are good for whatever moves.  Our blinds are all set up and the hunters are coming in next Thursday, early enough to get theirs all set up and ready to go on November 4th.
I am getting ready to go to Florida with my sisters and Deb - who passed our rigorous tests last year to become an honorary "Scott Sister".  I have all my clothes ready, all my necessary documentation for our flight, hotel and transportation.  Itinerary is subject to change but we pretty well know what we will be doing but not necessarily in any order.  It is a time I look forward to with a great deal of pleasure - spending time with my sisters doing something we all like to do.

Can't wait!!!!

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