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Thursday, November 28, 2013
A little piece of stump as a souvenir of their week up north? They have plans for this baby.
Steve scoped out the bush and found a perfect specimen and together we all worked to get it out and loaded onto his trailer for the trip home. Jenn took pictures and so did I. Rejean worked his magic with the tractor and no one was hurt - only cold.
As you can see, it is winter up here. Our lake is frozen over and covered with snow but it has a way to go before we attempt to walk on it. The bird feeder is out and the squirrels have taken up their spots under the feeders - everything is as it should be up here.
Tomorrow we start our wood for next year. We can take them down, block them and get them ready for hauling out in the spring. No bugs this time of year...
Sunday, November 24, 2013
We played Dominos last nite after dinner with Jenn and Steve. They are good while we are just there for their entertainment. In this game I had the highest doubles - 11- so I placed my tile in the middle and prepared to make my train. Well it just seemed to keep going and going and going and before you knew it, all my tiles were down - on my first train and I called last tile as well. Jenn and Steve had never seen this and I have paid very little attention to the fact that it could be done. Well boys and girls, last nite it was done - and I still came in last (I think).
We had fun!!
We had fun!!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Meet my new scarf - and Jenn, who knit me the scarf - on her arm. " On her arm?" you say. Yes, on her arm. Apparently it is a new thing on the internet - Jenn had the tutorial going on her tablet and in 2 hours, she had it done. And she gave it to me!!! It is an infinity scarf which is different from a regular scarf in that it's ends are joined together instead of being just one piece. And, surprisingly, I like it. You have to keep in mind that I am not a scarf girl - never have been. I am envious of women who can just wrap a scarf around their necks a few times and just go. I like how it can change the look of an outfit - dress it up and add color. I see them everywhere on everyone - from young teenagers to grandmothers and everyone in between. I have worn one or two but always aware of it around my neck and thinking it looked stupid. But not anymore. I have made 2014 the year of the scarf for me. I WILL master the scarf and wear it without intimidation. I have a tutorial on 25 ways to wear a scarf and I will attempt each and every one.
So if you see me with a scarf on, know that I am doing my best to make 2014 the year I become comfortable with scarves.
Just call me Scarf Girl...
So if you see me with a scarf on, know that I am doing my best to make 2014 the year I become comfortable with scarves.
Just call me Scarf Girl...
Monday, November 18, 2013
I woke up today to no power - Rejean was awake at 3am and it was out then. I called first thing and they said it should be 10am before power would be restored - and, just for the record, it was more like 11:30am. Some powerful wind gusts last nite and into this morning driving rain and eventually snow. And to top it all off, our beaver dam breached. The lake levels are extremely high and with all the rain last nite, it was bound to happen. It is an old dam and is maintained by all the resident beavers throughout the years. I wasn't worried about it totally breaking but with all the water flowing over, it was causing problems at the culvert by the road - as you can see in the second photo. That culvert is not supposed to be underwater!!! There was a section of our lane way that was about 6 inches away from being underwater. I suggested berming with traprock but thank goodness it did not get that far. The water receded as the lake levels went down from the overflow at the beaver dam. It is a vicious cycle.
It is going to be a snowy winter according to the locals - I wonder what spring will look like...
Sunday, November 17, 2013
First off, it looks like Rejean was not ready for that picture but everyone else looks good so - sorry.
All the hunters have left and as is our tradition, on the last nite I fix Beer and Deer for the hunters. I had 2 back straps and a venison roast from last year so into the roaster they went. It is a recipe I found on Canada In The Rough and it looked good and it used venison and it was easy. It also has 2 bottles of beer in it and, during the last 15 minutes of cooking, you add dumplings. I had Ed make the dumplings because last year, my dumplings didn't dumple. But as you can see in the first photo, his did. Please don't mind my red plastic table cloth but with 4 guys around, you need it.
It was a very successful hunt as I have mentioned before. We still have at least 2 does and 2 fawns around here for next year's hunt. Rejean calls them "the kids" and they have been eating up all the left over pumpkins from the Post and my little one by the back door. And we have 2 partridges hanging around the house - maybe a mated pair?
And I have been checking Delta for prices for next year's Florida trip - it is never too soon to plan...
Friday, November 15, 2013
Spotted this little guy out my window - he was just sitting there all fluffed up probably looking for a little food. Lucky for him all our guns are locked up and we are done hunting for the year.
Maybe he is a she and will produce a bunch of little partridge next year for us.
Good Bird!!
Maybe he is a she and will produce a bunch of little partridge next year for us.
Good Bird!!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
We chose not to hunt any more as we already took 2 beautiful 8 point bucks. We still have at least 2 fawns and 2 does hanging around as evidenced by the pictures above. I like the first one as it shows the 2 fawns looking at the permanent blind where Rejean was stationed. He watched them for a good 15 - 20 minutes - they were just being kids and playing around. Next year they will be bigger.
The next one is funny as it shows one of the fawns (I think) watching a big fat raccoon invading it's space. He probably doesn't know what to make of it. It is pretty fat.
The next one is priceless - it shows the 2 fawns "practicing" their moves while the mother looks on probably rolling her eyes at their antics. Fawns will be fawns...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The first picture is just when we get on the Hinkler Road we always stop so the guys can have a smoke and check the straps. The next is of Barry with his first bird today. Nice shot. Ed got his 2 at the end of the trail. There was an open area that was covered with bird tracks so he headed off into he bush. Next thing we hear 2 shots - I was waiting for the 3rd one to indicate he was lost but he walked out of the bush with his two prizes. Spruce hens. As I have said before I am interested in what they feed on - the next picture is of the stomach of the one of the spruce hens full of spruce needles and I mean full. The next one is of me with my bird. I spotted it behind a stump with just his head sticking up - needless to say there were no pellets in the meat at all. Mary made some soup for back at camp and it was greatly appreciated. The last shot is of all of us - except Barry who took the picture.
Monday, November 11, 2013
...someone fractures their elbow. Yes, we had our first mishap but it happened on Thursday, well into our vacation. But more about that later.
Our friends, Roger and Cherie were there and celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday. We got them a nice bouquet of flowers and a big firework display (put on by the Trade Winds Resort). It was fun. We did the usual things we do in Florida - shopped all day Tuesday as you can see by the overflow of bags in the truck. Got lots of good stuff including new sandals - actually Fit Flops - Susan and Joanne got the same ones and Deb had her old standbys. My foot is at the bottom of the picture just in case you wondered. My toe doesn't hurt at all in these shoes so a great buy for me. The picture of the drink is a Sea Hag Brew which was totally responsible for my "condition" on Tuesday nite at Sea Hags. Great Mo-Town music so we were up dancing all nite long. The next picture is of us at Sea Critters enjoying our Happy Hour drinks and a bowl of their famous Tomato Bisque with a dollop of crab on top. Delish!!!
We were on our way to breakfast on Thursday morning and Deb tripped on an uneven part of the sidewalk. Down she went. We were finally able to get her talked into going to the hospital later that afternoon where it was discovered that she fractured her elbow. They fitted her with a cast and I got her a sling at Walgreens which was a big help. It could have been worse and it really didn't stop her from enjoying her last days in St Pete Beach.
I am starting my countdown until next year...
We are heading up to Hinkler sometime this week to hunt for birds. It'll be a treat for the guys and for me too as I enjoy that kind of hunting.
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