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Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Yes blaze orange is a fashion color up here especially during hunting season.  I don't leave home without it.  Hard to believe that one week ago I was basking in 85 degree sunshine on the beach sipping my cocktail.  Today I was freezing my ass off up at Hinkler with the guys and Mary.  We got 5 and Ron and Mary got 3.
The first picture is just when we get on the Hinkler Road we always stop so the guys can have a smoke and check the straps.  The next is of Barry with his first bird today.  Nice shot.  Ed got his 2 at the end of the trail. There was an open area that was covered with bird tracks so he headed off into he bush.  Next thing we hear 2 shots - I was waiting for the 3rd one to indicate he was lost but he walked out of the bush with his two prizes.  Spruce hens.  As I have said before I am interested in what they feed on - the next picture is of the stomach of the one of the spruce hens full of spruce needles and I mean full.  The next one is of me with my bird.  I spotted it behind a stump with just his head sticking up - needless to say there were no pellets in the meat at all.  Mary made some soup for back at camp and it was greatly appreciated.  The last shot is of all of us - except Barry who took the picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe the spruce hens at gearing up for xmas eating the spruce needles to taste like xmas haha just a thought-missing my cocktail on the beach-love ya