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Sunday, March 2, 2014


What a great day for a party for a great man - it was Len's surprise 90th birthday party held at the Hall organized by Keith, a very proud son.
Len, together with his wife Pat, ran the Tunnel Lake Trading Post before Keith took over.  Keith had big shoes to fill for sure.  Pat gave the biggest scoops of ice cream ever and Len always made you feel more than welcome at the store.  Pat passed away a few years ago and Len has stayed active and just recently moved into an apartment in town from his home on Cummings.  The drives were getting to be a bit much for him and this winter has been especially hard.  He is safe in town.
We saw Len at the Legion fish fry on Friday night and I almost gave the surprise away but managed to hold my tongue.  Len likes to go out to the local functions.  He is a source to be reckoned with and quite the ladies man.  We have given him the nick name of "The Chic Magnet" and he gets such a thrill  when we call him that.  He is always the gentleman and always dressed to the nines.  He is a dear man and I am very happy to call him my friend.
There was a very large turnout at the Hall and he was surprised - you have to be careful with surprising anyone as old as 90 but he must have known something was up with all the cars in the parking lot.  It kind of cushioned the surprise.  Everyone came out to party with Len.   He is a member of the local choir and the other members showed up to sing Happy Birthday and For He's A jolly Good Fellow to him.  It brought tears to my eyes.

What a great way to spend a cold, sunny Sunday afternoon - with good friends...

1 comment:

The Beavers Family said...

Happy Birthday Len!!!!! - Love the Beavers Clan!