Tish left this morning and I miss her already. We really didn't have a chance to get to know her at the wedding but this visit was perfect. I enjoy her company a lot. The girls got our mani/pedis last nite complements of Jodie and I must say it was the best I have ever had. My girl spent more time on one toe than others do on the whole foot. I tipped her well. When we got back we had our cigars on the balcony and watched the planes flying over head on their way to the airport. About one every 4 minutes. It was hot! We spent the day with the kids and talked Jodie into taking a well deserved nap. During that time we changed diapers on each one and fed them. I can't get enough of them. Tish had a hard time leaving them and I know I will too. But I still have over 2weeks left with them and we will eventually get out sight seeing but I have my priorities

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Location:Abu Dhabi
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