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Sunday, May 31, 2015


 It was a work day today.  I scraped and painted the boat, Ricky cleaned his trailer and Rejean cut the grass and weeded.  It was a beautiful day - cool and sunny and hardly any bugs.  We usually have a breeze here so it keeps the bugs at bay.  And the dragonflies are out.  Just when the bugs get so bad you think you can't stand it anymore, the dragons come out.  They are beautiful.  I saved one from the lake this morning - that's the one on the rock.  And the one in the cedar hedge just hung around long enough for me to get a couple of pictures.
And the hummingbirds are still eating!!!  I counted 7 of them this morning.  I have to fill it up again as soon as I am done here.
Fishing tonite and tomorrow - ughhh.  (joking)

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