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Monday, October 12, 2015


Rejean came back from filling the feeders and said he saw the cub across the lake.  I quickly got my gear together and headed out to try and catch a look too.  As I was pulling up on the quad, I could see the black fur so I stopped and turned off the quad.  I got the picture on the bottom just as he turned away and disappeared in the bush.  I walked the rest of the way to the blind and settled in.  I would say 5 minutes later he calmly walked over to the feeder and started eating the candy corn we have for the deer.  He ignored the delicious apples and the salt lick and chomped on the corn for another 15 minutes or so.  My camera died!!!!  But I got a couple of good shots.  After he was done he started coming up the hill towards the blind but I was ok as I had locked the door and I could quickly close the window.  But he headed over to the right and continued up the hill and out of sight.  I made sure he was gone and made my way back home to download the pictures.
What a thrill that was!!!!

ps - it was the cub so no one is going to shoot him - at least not this year….

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