We are getting a head start on the wood this year thanks to some nice weather (not counting the other day when we got 6 inches of the white stuff). We are trying out a new system that seems to be working great!! Instead of using the chain saw on the logs hanging from the tractor bucket by chains, we place the logs on the McGuivered and reinforced saw horse and then use the bucket to move the larger blocked logs over to the pile instead of picking them up manually. We still need the chains and steel cord to move the logs from the pile to the saw horse via the tractor which is my job. Rejean secures the cord around a log and attaches the cord to the hook secured by chains attached to the loader. I work the tractor picking the log up and moving it to the saw horse and gently lowering it into place. Rejean then chain saws the logs into 16" logs which we then throw into the ever growing pile. It is a long process but we enjoy it. We have done well for just 5 hours per day for 2 days.
Some of those logs are BIG and heavy - I will be wearing my steel toed work boots from now on as I dropped one of the larger logs on my toe and it hurt a lot!!
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