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Wednesday, May 11, 2016


We went to pick up my bike in Blind River today after they "tried" to fix it.  Once we got it home Barry and Ed took it apart to remove the motor and see the spot that is causing concern.  They are going to take it back to Windsor to see if it can be repaired.  There is a part that is needed that can be ordered so we will see if it can be done.  In the meantime, Stacey has been kind enough to lend me her bike whenever I need it.  It is a beauty!!  A 350 Yamaha that suits me just fine.  It is a bit bigger than mine but I will get used to it in no time.  I had it out for a test drive tonite to visit the new blind that Barry put on legs.  It handled very well but the bugs were bad!!!!

I climbed up into the new blind and you can see pretty good - and it is very sturdy - you don't have to worry about the wind taking this one down.
Good job Boys!!

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