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Sunday, November 27, 2016


This was where the Scott Sisters spent our last night in St Pete Beach - the Drunken Clam - a little spot right around the corner from our hotel.  All these years and we had never gone there - I guess it didn't look too inviting at times.  But were we wrong.  We decided to go there for dinner and to watch the band who that night were going to be The Surfing' Raccoons.  I didn't know what to expect.  The dinner was delicious.  I had the wings and they were very very good.  Joanne had the tuna and Sue had the Maui Maui - everyone enjoyed their meals.  Joanne and I were drinking Yuenglings and Sue was into her Vodka Tonics.  Then the band came in to set up.  To say the place was small was an understatement.  The place left free for the band looked like it would fit maybe a one person and at the most two person band.  First the drums set up in the corner - then the keyboard was set up.  Next a couple more microphones and a bass guitar.  Then the lead guitar was placed.  OK for a 4 piece band - then we noticed a girl walking in who looked a bit dressed up for the place.  There were 5 people in this band set up in a maybe 5 foot by 5 foot section.  I was sitting at the bar and I was 2 feet from the bass player.  We had the best seats in the house.  And were they good!!!  Started up with the Beatles The Ballad of John and Yoko - what a way to get the place hopping!!  All music that I liked being a person of a certain age.  They played as tho I had given them my playlist of all my favourite songs.  Loved watching the drummer - he was in his own little world.
We all had a few too many drinks and topped the night with a shot of Fireball!!!  Good Stuff!!


Everyone enjoying a beach day in Abu Dhabi.  They are growing up so fast!

Friday, November 25, 2016


It had to happen sooner or later and it just happened to be sooner.  Got the bird feeder up but there has been no activity at all - except for the little mice that come and eat the fallen sun flower seeds on the ground.  So much fun to watch them when you turn on the outside lite at nite.  They are the little Deer Mice - not the best creatures to have around but you really can't get rid of all of them.  Sometimes you see the Flying Squirrels at night eating the seeds on the ground.  My winter entertainment has begun.

Where is my beach?????

Thursday, November 24, 2016


We loved taking our beach chairs down to the edge of the water each afternoon with our cocktails watching people go by and the birds diving into the water to catch fish.  A couple stopped to talk to us and of course we got them to take our picture.    He got us to look to the right then look at the camera.  He was funny.  We tried to stay put to watch the sunset but it got a bit chilly once that sun started going down so we usually headed back up to the hotel to watch from there.

This trip we tried to share our dinners.  Usually there is so much food you can't finish it or you come away feeling stuffed.  One night we went to a new spot that had been recommended to us in John's Pass - where we like to go anyway.  Worked out just fine and no one came away feeling too full.  And it was delicious fresh caught just that day fare.  

One morning we walked the beach to Pass-A-Grill to have breakfast at Hurricane's.  We decided to have a Bloody Mary instead of coffee.  Joanne and I got ours spicy and Susan wimped out and got a regular one.  Best Bloody Mary I have ever had and found out later it was made with a mix called Zing Zang Bloody Mary Mix.  I saw some when I got back to Detroit and picked up a bottle and had one yesterday here.  I can't tell you how good it was - I will never go back to Clamato juice when I have this in the house.  I highly recommend it and they make other mixes as well.  Give it a try!!!  You won't be sorry.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


This was our first nite in St Pete's - the night we do our shopping.  We have learned that the cart from Publix locks up as soon as cross a certain perimeter so we "borrow" a cart from Walgreen's to take our purchases home.  We first go to the liquor store for our supply of vodka, margaritas and wine.  We then hit Publix for our groceries then the Dollar Store for shampoo and paper towels etc.  We also picked up some beach chairs for $9.99 - a bargain for sure.  (we leave them with other guests of the Bon Aire when we leave so they can enjoy them).

We hit Happy Hour at Sea Critters - one of our favourite places to go for dinner - the margaritas are delicious as you can see.  I think we each had 3 that night.  Their tomato bisque with a dollop of crab on top is to die for.

We stopped at a little tiki bar down from the Bon Aire to watch the sunset and talked some guy into taking our picture.  We had to sit thru a card trick but it was a good one.  Not too many ladies at that bar but lots of guys.  Not that we were complaining...

Monday, November 14, 2016


The Sisters enjoyed our first FIREBALL shots tonite at a new place called Willey's . $2 drinks all night long but we got there a little late. While waiting at the bar for our table we started talking to a local who was recommending the scallops for dinner (which were delicious - 7 good size scallops and yellow rice for under $10)  He then proceeded to buy us our first shots of Fireball which I thoroughly enjoyed. It tasted like a mouthful of those cinnamon hearts but with a kick. Very warm going down. I hope they sell it in Canada because I am going to buy me a bottle when I get home!!!
I managed to get Susan and Joanne home safely at a decent hour - have to save ourselves for MoTown nite at Sea Hags tomorrow nite. Dancing all nite long!!

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Hard to believe a week has come and gone for the Scott Sisters in St Pete Beach. We went to Sea Hag's last nite on the recommendation of a friend of ours here to see one of his friends play. The Caribbean Cowboy. He was great. Sounded so much like Randy Travis and not to hard to look at either. We got there in time to get a good seat and we ordered our dinner. We split a chicken salad, a Cuban sandwich and a mushroom casadia plus our drinks. Joanne had 3 drafts and Susan had a bottle of wine and I had my Sea hag brews. It was delicious. We were dancing and had a great time and stayed out past 8 o'clock. A record for us this trip.
Today we just took it easy and stayed at the beach all day, enjoyed the sunset and had a burger from Sandbar Bill's - the bar and grill at the Bon Aire. Best on the beach by far!
Tomorrow we are trying a new place - Willie's - for dinner and drinks and hopefully some dancing!!

Friday, November 11, 2016


Just a quick note to let you know we are having a great time. We have enjoyed breakfasts and dinners at new places - something we talked bout doing last year. We are running out of vodka so we have to pay another visit to the liquor store this morning. For dinner tonite we will be doing our beach crawl to a few of the beach bars along the way. That way if we happen to trip we won't hurt ourselves in the sand!!  Haha

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Come Saturday I am off to St Pete Beach Florida for 2 whole weeks with my sisters, Susan and Joanne.  Unfortunately Deb cannot make it this year but she will be with us in spirit and we will be thinking of her.
2 weeks of walks on the beach, sunsets and grouper.  Grey Goose drinks, suntanning and Sea Hags for Mo-Town nite on Tuesdays.  Free Beach rides and breakfast at Beverley's.  Trips to Walgreens and Publix and the bathing suit shop.  This year we are going on a 3 hour kayak tour!!  A rental car for our shopping day on Tuesday - senior day discounts at some of our favourite stores.
Can't think of a better way to spend time with my sisters!!!