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Monday, November 14, 2016


The Sisters enjoyed our first FIREBALL shots tonite at a new place called Willey's . $2 drinks all night long but we got there a little late. While waiting at the bar for our table we started talking to a local who was recommending the scallops for dinner (which were delicious - 7 good size scallops and yellow rice for under $10)  He then proceeded to buy us our first shots of Fireball which I thoroughly enjoyed. It tasted like a mouthful of those cinnamon hearts but with a kick. Very warm going down. I hope they sell it in Canada because I am going to buy me a bottle when I get home!!!
I managed to get Susan and Joanne home safely at a decent hour - have to save ourselves for MoTown nite at Sea Hags tomorrow nite. Dancing all nite long!!

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