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Sunday, March 26, 2017


It has been too long without a picture of the kids for you so here you go.  Charlie Barley on the left and Monty Moo on the right.  Final answer.

Grandmas have to have silly pet names for her grandkids,  don't they?


Freezing rain predicted for today and the weatherperson was bang on.  Very nasty out there.  I had to put the Icers on my boots to walk down to the garage.  Without them I never would have made it.  Ice covering everything.  We had planned to go to KPs in Thessalon for breakfast but that will have to wait for another Sunday.  I am going nowhere!!!

But the lake would be perfect for iceskating...

Thursday, March 23, 2017


It was Ladies Luncheon at K P's in beautiful downtown Thessalon.  Service was fast and food was delicious as usual.  Always good to get together with these ladies and just enjoy each other's company.
On the way home I spotted 6 deer in the field near Little Rapids.  The grass is finally being exposed and they are safe because it is not deer season - it says so on their calendars.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


It was mild one day last week so we thawed out the hose and I washed my car.  Does it ever shine!!!
Now just to keep it that clean - just about impossible this time of year.
The other picture is just down the hill from our place.  The water freezes and it stays that way all winter long.  There are lots of these waterfalls all along the highway on the rock cuts.

And just to let you know we saw a lynx running across 17 yesterday in the middle of the day.  Don't see that very often.  Nice and healthy looking.


We have had our snowmobile for a number of years but never really fully utilized it because we had no way to get to the trails other than our friend Ron.  We bought the Polaris from a friend on Axe Lake so there was no problem getting it to our house.  And we always buy a trail permit but have only been on the trails a few time over the years.
Well that all changed yesterday.  On the way home from the Sault we stopped at North Shore Tractor just to see if they had any in stock.  Well they did and now we have one.  Rejean spent the morning fixing it up - he put plexiglass guards around the lights and drilled another couple of holes for the bar to secure the machine.  Plus it was missing a few nuts and bolts that were easily replaced.
Come next winter we will be ready to take advantage of any opportunity to get out on the trails and lakes with the snowmobile.
Watch it not snow...


There was a pot luck dinner at the Hall on Sunday - everyone was supposed to bring a dish that reflected their heritage or a meal that their family had enjoyed.  I made my devilled eggs as usual and as usual they were a hit.  Everything was delicious.  There was fish cakes from the Bahamas, Irish stew, mushy peas etc.  And lots of yummy deserts.
There was a few maps where they asked you to put a pin on the place you were born and then where your parents and grandparents were born.  I was the only one born in Alberta!!
The turn out was pretty good - about 30 people from the neighbourhood.  It is nice to get together and catch up - especially after being cooped up all winter long.

BTW the first picture is of the parking lot.  It was a mild day and the mud was out in full force - very mushy - good thing I had my boots on.

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Things are always getting passed around up here - one person's junk is another person's treasure.  This table used to belong to Stacey and was given to Linda who in turn gave it to Diane - who just happens to be very, very creative.  She cleaned it up, gave it a new paint job and added some bling.  Some gold earrings and a bracelet just give it a "special" feel.  Add a new table top and a plant and voila!!!  A statement piece of Voodoo furniture.

PIG ON THE KNEE ... at sea.

We were over at our friends' house last nite and the conversation got around to tattoos.  Diane told us to ask Doug to see his pig.  What???
But as it turns out, Doug used to be in the Navy and it was a common occurrence for the sailors to get a pig tattooed on their left knee.  Pigs don't like the water so it was supposed to help keep them safe.

So the next time you see Doug, ask to see his pig.  I am pretty sure he will show it to you... he's a good sport.

Friday, March 17, 2017


May your heart be light and happy
May your smile be big and wide
And may your pockets
Always have a coin or two inside

The Irish have such neat sayings...everyone is Irish today!!  Enjoy!!

Thursday, March 9, 2017


We headed up the highway the other day to check out the river - it is wide open and flowing good but the banks are still snow and ice covered.  It will take a lot more mild days to get rid of that.
Another project Rejean took on was refinishing the solid brass ball at the top of our stairs.  It was beginning to look a little "used" but after an afternoon in the garage it is better than new.  I am trying not to touch it but every time I head down the stairs it is my habit to touch it as I turn to go down the stairs.  It is a hard habit to break but I will do it!!

Saturday, March 4, 2017


As you can see from the time stamps on the pictures, the snow pictures were taken on March 1st.  March came in like a Lion and hopefully it will go out as a lamb.  We got quite a bit of snow which was blown around by the massive winds.  We lost our power for a couple of hours which really didn't affect us much.  I have a propane stove top downstairs so we can always cook when we loose power.
The bottom two pictures are of a project just completed today.  An old brass fire extinguisher we polished up and hung on the wall by the bar.  Looks pretty good.  I told Rejean we shouldn't mess with the patina - that's what they always say on those Antique and Picker shows but I think it looks great!!