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Tuesday, March 21, 2017


There was a pot luck dinner at the Hall on Sunday - everyone was supposed to bring a dish that reflected their heritage or a meal that their family had enjoyed.  I made my devilled eggs as usual and as usual they were a hit.  Everything was delicious.  There was fish cakes from the Bahamas, Irish stew, mushy peas etc.  And lots of yummy deserts.
There was a few maps where they asked you to put a pin on the place you were born and then where your parents and grandparents were born.  I was the only one born in Alberta!!
The turn out was pretty good - about 30 people from the neighbourhood.  It is nice to get together and catch up - especially after being cooped up all winter long.

BTW the first picture is of the parking lot.  It was a mild day and the mud was out in full force - very mushy - good thing I had my boots on.

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