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Tuesday, April 11, 2017


It was time for our annual Owl Count where we head out at dusk to count owls.
I cooked  dinner for everyone before we headed out and everyone had a good time.  John came over just before we left to keep Roger and Rejean company and to watch the hockey game.
Ute, Ginny and I started our little road trip to our starting point - right around the big burn area.  A tape of owl calls is played and then we listen for any owls to return the calls.  We then move a little further down the highway and play the tape again.  We have 10 stops along the way - the same ones each year. This year only 1 car was on the highway and they never stopped to see if we needed help or if we were in trouble.  Sometimes they do - it is a strange sight to see 3 ladies all standing on or near the road in the dark.
 I have a hard time hearing owls so I had to use an amplifier which only amplified my stomach growling and gurgling.  I did manage to hear some robins and other birds but never heard the 4 owls that the others heard.  I have heard them in the past and it is quite a thrill to hear these magnificent birds in the wild.
We hope our other Hooter, Mary, will be able to rejoin our group next year - there is always room in the car for one more.

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