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Sunday, August 27, 2017


My beautiful boys are three today.  My oh my times does fly - especially when you don't get to spend a lot of time with them.  The time you have together is so precious.  You try to drink it all in in the short period of time that they are with you.
They are typical three year olds but so special to me.
They love to run and climb and jump - they love dinosaurs and anything new.  They were fascinated by bugs and snakes and fish and showed no fear of worms.
They called me Grandma and I got a few special hugs and kisses.  I got to hold them when they were watching their Thomas The Train movies and fell asleep in my arms.
The smiles you get are heartwarming.
And I can tell who is who (except from the side and back).

I look so forward to the future and all the new adventures we get to share with them.

Happy Birthday Charlie and Monty!!  I love you with all my heart!

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