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Wednesday, November 15, 2017


We shopped from 9am until 8:30 including 45 minutes for dinner at Dockside Dave’s for a delicious Grouper dinner. Mitch was our driver and he lasted the whole day shopping with the Scott Sisters. Our trunk was full. We know all the good places to go on Tuesdays -all the stores that have senior discounts and Tuesday discounts plus all our coupons. We made out like bandits!!
We made up for our missed day on the beach today. Sue and I had yougurt for breakfast so we could be out on the beach early while Joanne and Mitch returned the car. It was a glorious day and we finished the day by sitting in our beach chairs down by the water then enjoyed the sunset after our showers with cocktails in hand. Our dinner tonite was at Hurricane’s. The girls split some Grouper tacos and Mitch had a Grouper fish and chip dinner. We could see the trolley stop from the restaurant so we knew when to leave. I had to run back and get Sue’s Levi jacket she forgot in the restaurant. We finished the night with Fireball shots down by the beach and now we are all tucked in and getting much needed rest for tomorrow’s festivities -the Biker Rally - there are already a bunch of bikers riding up and down Gulf Avenue. Love the sound of the Harley’s But there are a ton of the 3 wheelers all done up with lights and flags and beautiful people riding - most without helmets which is funny to see.
By the way I did see some faux leather jackets shopping yesterday that were very reasonable but Joanne and Sue didn’t want to get them. Party Poopers!!!

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