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Sunday, January 14, 2018


Walked by the dining room window and noticed this little guy out on a limb munching on the buds.  I grabbed by I-Pad and got some pictures of him.  I had to steady my hand on the window frame as my tremor was pretty good.  When I am excited or trying to do something you have to be steady for, it acts up a bit.  But I got a pretty good one I think.
I was surprised at how small a branch he was hovering on.  We get them around here sometimes.  We had one hang around for a long times last year but it may have been the one that hit my window and - long story short - we ended up eating him.  He was delicious and it was Marilou's first Partridge and she enjoyed it.
I came back a bit later and he was gone.  But I am sure he is hanging around here somewhere...

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