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Sunday, April 1, 2018


Well, this happened yesterday.  It snowed all day long and finally stopped around 6pm or so.  Looks like about 8 or 9 inches based on the amount on Rejean's truck!!!.  We were invited to dinner at Ron and Mary's house and when we left at 4pm the highway had not been plowed and it was a bit dicey but we made it.  Coming home was even worse - they had only plowed the north bound side and, as I was going southbound,  I had to drive on that side and hope that a big truck wasn't just around the curve.  I only met one car and it pulled into LimberLost so no issues there.  And windy!!!  We could see the "waves" of snow on Jobam from Ron and Mary's kitchen.  It put on quite the show.
Not the way we expected to spend April 1st but it could be worse I suppose.  Rejean will be blowing snow this morning.

And I did see "bunny" tracks in the snow - but I don't see any Easter Eggs!!!

Happy Easter everyone

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