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Thursday, March 28, 2019


We are working on the ceilings in the bedrooms this winter.  Just a small change makes such a big difference.  We finished the spare bedroom first and it looks great.  Freshly painted white ceilings and then the moldings around the edge of the room and around the ceiling fan.  It just freshens up the room.
And I painted the moldings.  That is my job.


It was a beautiful day here - sunny and a high of about +6.  We knew the snow on the garage would be coming down today.  I filled up Reagan's wood in the garage from his woodshed and you know I was keeping an eye on that roof.  I even moved my car down past the garage so I wouldn't get stuck up here.
It is going to take Rejean a couple of hours to clean up the mess.  We sat out in the sun today and drank a beer.  It is so nice to be outside in the clean fresh air.  The lake is melting as well but that will take a while.

On a happy note my friend Linda just won $1659.50 on Lotto 649.  Guess the drinks are on her tomorrow nite at the Legion Fish Fry...

Friday, March 22, 2019


It's been a looooong winter so a bunch of us decided to head to the Sault and have a day of fun.  I made the hotel reservations, dinner reservations and reserved a couple of lanes at the bowling alley next door to the Quatro.
There were 8 of us - Linda and John, Doug and Diane, Roger and Ute and Rejean and myself.  We met at the hotel at 1pm on Monday for lunch and checked into our rooms.  We had a cocktail in John and Linda's room before we car pooled it to the Casino.  I usually only spend $20 and stay until it is gone.  I found my lucky Wheel of Fortune machine and sat down to play.  I was up and I was down and finally cashed out with $36.50.  Rejean lost his $20 so we were only down about $3.50.  It was fun watching everyone play their machines.  We got back to the Hotel about 4pm and had another cocktail before dinner at the Hotel dining room.  Delicious meal and finished in time to make our 7pm bowling game.  We got a two-for-one coupon from the hotel and had a riot trying to bowl.  I had the highest score of the second game with 122.  Shows how good everyone was.  HaHa.
We had enough time to head to the swimming pool and hot tub and sauna at the Quatro.  The hot tub was HOT!!  We all met back at John and Linda's room for our nightcap and headed to bed.  A late night crew for sure!!
Breakfast was part of the room deal and it was delicious.  We all went our separate ways at about 10am.
It was just an overnighter but we all got in what we wanted to do.  We enjoyed ourselves and now back to the old grind.
Same fun next year for sure...

ps - the picture of the outside of the Quatro sure wasn't taken on March 18th  haha

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Everyone is a little Irish on St Patrick's Day...
  Except the Scottish         

We are still Scottish...

Friday, March 15, 2019


We had a bit of a thaw with rain the past few days and that causes all the snow on the roofs to slowly slide off.
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be in the house when the snow off the back of the house came down.  The whole house shook and it was like thunder.  I watched all the snow slide past the back windows and slice a few of our cedars in half in the back.
The front slowly slide down.  I had to go out a few times and try and clear the snow away from our satellite dish.  We knew it would come off last nite.  I was hoping not in the middle of the night to scare the shit out of me.  I came off shortly after that picture was taken.  The house shook enough that a small coaster was thrown off the wall downstairs.  It made such a mess in front of the house - I was worried that it would damage the roof of the lower roof but we were lucky.  Rejean cleaned it up before I thought of getting a picture.
Stacey and Andrew's cottage has a bit of a slide going on.  I can't believe it hasn't come down yet.  I think more is hanging over the edge than is on the roof.  Any time now.
Even the snow on the bird house roof has come down.  Haha
I am very cautious walking past the garage as the snow hasn't come off it.  I am sure it would kill me if I got caught in it.  My only saving grace is that I think I will hear it start to slide and then I can outrun it.  I have icers on my boots to give me extra traction as the driveway is sheer ice right now.
It always happens this time of year.  You have to be very careful walking anywhere...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Just a few more SNOW pictures.  Since that is all we have up here, it is all I have to Blog about.
We still have lots around our place - the banks are pretty high - but nothing compared to Eliott Lake!  We visited Marilou yesterday and I couldn't believe the amount of snow they have.  There is no where to put it.  The roads are narrow and the sidewalks are like walking down a tunnel.  And you can barely see out of her front window.
I threw in a picture of Sam just because I like Sam.
So for all of you people in nice warm vacation spots, this is what is happening here!

ps - it is snowing right now turning to freezing rain, then rain.  Wonderful.

Friday, March 8, 2019


International women's Day - where we celebrate all the amazing women in our lives.  I have many in my life who I love with all my heart.
Stacey and Jodie, who do not have my smile but have my heart, always.
And my Mom.  Who I think of and miss every day.
Claire,  My dear Mother In Law who I admire so much.

And then my Sisters.  What can I say.  I can't imagine my life without you both.  I am so glad we get to enjoy each other's company each year.  Our Sisters' trip to Florida each year is something I look forward to with glee.  We have fun with each other.  We can be kids again without a care in the world.  

I am the lucky one.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Fresh salsa off the back of a fishing boat and a fantastic view of the Bay from an 8th floor condo penthouse.  I am using my imagination...

You say it is "Too Hot!"  Just consider it practice for Abu Dhabi in late June and early July where it will be a tad warmer.  We Can Do It!!  There is Air Conditioning!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Watched our Downy Woodpecker peck at a Blue Jay that was trying to get his suet.  Usually they are timid birds but this one hopped around the tree and came up behind him and pecked at his tail and he flew away.  He got his suet back.

Way to go!!!

ps - this could also be a Hairy Woodpecker, I am not sure.