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Friday, March 15, 2019


We had a bit of a thaw with rain the past few days and that causes all the snow on the roofs to slowly slide off.
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be in the house when the snow off the back of the house came down.  The whole house shook and it was like thunder.  I watched all the snow slide past the back windows and slice a few of our cedars in half in the back.
The front slowly slide down.  I had to go out a few times and try and clear the snow away from our satellite dish.  We knew it would come off last nite.  I was hoping not in the middle of the night to scare the shit out of me.  I came off shortly after that picture was taken.  The house shook enough that a small coaster was thrown off the wall downstairs.  It made such a mess in front of the house - I was worried that it would damage the roof of the lower roof but we were lucky.  Rejean cleaned it up before I thought of getting a picture.
Stacey and Andrew's cottage has a bit of a slide going on.  I can't believe it hasn't come down yet.  I think more is hanging over the edge than is on the roof.  Any time now.
Even the snow on the bird house roof has come down.  Haha
I am very cautious walking past the garage as the snow hasn't come off it.  I am sure it would kill me if I got caught in it.  My only saving grace is that I think I will hear it start to slide and then I can outrun it.  I have icers on my boots to give me extra traction as the driveway is sheer ice right now.
It always happens this time of year.  You have to be very careful walking anywhere...

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