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Thursday, July 30, 2020
A beauty day yesterday for the Scott Sister's Quad day. We went to the slate quarry first to see if there was any good pieces to take home but left with just one small square piece of slate. Then off to Driftwood Bay to check out the driftwood. Plenty to choose from so we got a few nice easy to carry pieces. I attached mine to the front of my quad with my assortment off bungee cords. Never leave home without bungee cords!! Then it was on to find more Puddingstones. A favourite pastime for the Scott Girls. The pickings were slim as I am sure we have already found the nice ones in our searches in years' past. But we did manage to each find some nice ones. I found a big one half buried so I had to dig it out and call Joanne over to help. It turned out to be the best one ever. Hard to tell from the picture but it is well flecked with bigger pieces of the different colour stone. I carried it home in the foot rest of my quad. It was a bit warm but with our beverages that Susan made in the bubas, we were well hydrated. On our first rest stop we heard another quad coming and it turned out to be a guest at the OutPost Lodge. He stopped and we chatted for a few minutes. It is very rare to run into someone out in the bush around here and I am sure he was surprised to come across three beautiful women out in the middle of nowhere sitting there drinking cocktails on their quads!! HaHa
I got a couple of action shots of Susan and Joanne crossing the bridge over the stream where we went yesterday. We tested it out before we crossed. It is one of the better bridges around here.
Dinner was at my house last nite. We were all tired.
I think today is kayaking around Axe Lake - I may take my fishing rod and see what I can get!!
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Just some interesting stuff for a humid Sunday around here.
Joanne has a bat at her place. It seeks shelter inside her closed patio umbrella and this is the second time she has found it there. We haven't seen a bat around here in years. It is a good thing that there is finally one around here. Hopefully there are more where he came from.
I have spotted a butterfly feeding at the hummingbird feeder a few times. I even had a picture of the hummingbird and butterfly feeding at the same time. I have never seen that before.
Another picture of the family still sitting waiting for the bus on Axe Lake Road. The dog has a mask on but the others don't. They are in the same bubble.
And finally a picture of one pan of chicken parmesan I am cooking up for dinner tonite. Mitch has specially requested it. Andrew's friend Chris flew in from Calgary on Friday so he will be joining us AND we got the call that Susan is coming to visit today!!! The Scott Sisters together again. This should be exciting!!!!
Hope your Sunday is going as well as mine. Rejean is making blender drinks again!!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2020
The butterflies were out in force today. Hundreds of them around the house and garage. I walked out the front door and they almost land on you as they flutter around. I will have to look up what kind they are. There are two types. But the orange ones are the most prevalent. The outside of their wings almost look moth-like but the insides are very colourful. They are everywhere - on the roads and driveways and the balcony and on my outside lines. We have had lots of butterflies before but never as plentiful. Nice to see.
We took a little road trip last week to Barry's Bay and we stopped at the Tim Hortons in Blind River for our coffee. This guy hopped right on the hood of the truck and made himself right at home. I teased him by moving my bagel around in front of him and he followed it but Rejean eventually gave him a little treat. As we moved the truck to leave he flew off and landed on another unsuspecting vehicle in the parking lot. I think he has mastered the art of mooching. HaHa
I had come to the realization that Jacques had not shown up around the dock this year so we could finally fish off the dock. Joanne caught two nice walleye the other night off the dock and I was looking forward to a summer of evening fishing without taking the boat out. Guess who showed up this afternoon? Jacques!! And he had a friend with him. Another good size bass who did take the worm offered to him.
They did provide some entertainment this afternoon.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Rick had a beautiful tenderloin and invited us all for dinner. I did potatoes and pasta salad and devilled eggs to complete the meal. Everyone had to watch out for their steaks so they gathered at the BBQ. I was the last one standing as I enjoy my steak cooked - i.e. medium well. Rick, Steve and Jason were up for a few days and Andrew is here for the summer. Joanne and Mitch came over to complete the guest list. After dinner I grabbed my rod and net and a few worms and headed down to cast off the dock (Jacques has not been around so it is safe to cast off the dock) I had a bass on first but it jumped and spit the hook - I pinch the barb down when I fish in my lake. Joanne hooked into 3 nice walleye - one got off and we landed the other two. Nice size and very healthy. We put them back to live another day. The guys sat and watched us fish and judged each of our casts.
Rejean made blender drinks from our fresh strawberries we picked a week ago. They were delicious!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
What an amazing day to be on the River today in 31 degree heat. We had a bit of a breeze and the water was cool. Mitch, Joanne and I headed out at about 11am. Mitch got the first bass and then Joanne got one when she was off by herself. When she re-appeared, she was so happy. And it was a good size!! I got a big one and it pulled me around for a while. I had my net attached to my kayak on the right hand side and of course the fish was staying on the left hand side and some rapids were coming up. So I was a bit distracted but I got it in the net and on the stringer without incident. I almost lost my lifejacket!! I took it off when the river got a bit quieter and when I was trying to land another bass, my jacket sort of floated away. Luckily I got it back in the boat. We finished our adventure at 3:30 so about 4 1/2 hours of fun and 5 good size bass. Mitch is cleaning them and Joanne said she is making fish cakes. Bass is very good!!
When we got back to the house the guys were all floating in the lake cooling off after their hard day at work. It has been HOT up here - but no humidity thank goodness!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Canada Day, hot and sunny! We had a 10am picking time at the strawberry field. It was hot!!! New rules since last year tho. You book a picking time in 1/2 hour intervals and pay one flat fee per 1/2 hour. Seniors price is $15. Joanne and I filled our baskets and then a little more. But I was done after about 20 minutes. I couldn't wait to get back in my air conditioned car. On the way, we stopped and took a picture of this huge snapper along the side of the road. It was in no hurry to get where it was going and happily posed for a couple of pics. It was not there on the way back.
I froze my berries for blender drinks later this month.
Barry and Ed were up for a few days. Rejean took them out fishing and 9 fish were caught and everyone caught fish. We had a great fish dinner that day!!
Still very hot up here. We usually get a couple of hot days but never anything like this. Thank goodness we have our pool to cool off in...
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