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Sunday, July 26, 2020


Just some interesting stuff for a humid Sunday around here.
Joanne has a bat at her place.  It seeks shelter inside her closed patio umbrella and this is the second time she has found it there.  We haven't seen a bat around here in years.  It is a good thing that there is finally one around here.  Hopefully there are more where he came from.
I have spotted a butterfly feeding at the hummingbird feeder a few times.  I even had a picture of the hummingbird and butterfly feeding at the same time.  I have never seen that before.
Another picture of the family still sitting waiting for the bus on Axe Lake Road.  The dog has a mask on but the others don't.  They are in the same bubble.
And finally a picture of one pan of chicken parmesan I am cooking up for dinner tonite.  Mitch has specially requested it.  Andrew's friend Chris flew in from Calgary on Friday so he will be joining us AND we got the call that Susan is coming to visit today!!!  The Scott Sisters together again.  This should be exciting!!!!
Hope your Sunday is going as well as mine.  Rejean is making blender drinks again!!!!

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