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Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 I was inspired by a posting on Facebook of a small company making trays in his workshop.  I have access to all the tools he used so I helped Rejean pick out some pieces of Poplar wood and off I go.  One piece had beautiful live edges but the others only had one side of live edge.  Rejean suggested we use a spokeshave to produce a faux live edge look and it worked perfectly.  You would never know. I had to plane them down and then smooth out the edges a bit.  They were then sanded down and I applied 4 coats of a clear varathane and sanded after the 2nd and 3rd coat.  We put the handles on today and I am very pleased with the result.  The Sisters will have to wait to receive them until they come this summer.  


 Back in 1982 Rejean built this doll house for Stacey and Jodie.  It has travelled around with us to each house we lived in and then eventually came up north and lived in Stacey's cottage.  Stacey is now living in Eliott Lake and spends a few weekends a month with us.  She decided to work on the doll house.  Rejean has been putting some finishing touches on the house like trim along the roofline and glass in the windows.  Right now he is working on a stairway to the second floor.  He is painting the inside window trim white.  Each piece of shingle on the roof was cut and secured in place by hand as was the siding on the outside of the house.  Stacey is working on the furniture and the interior designs such as  hardwood flooring (wooden popsicle sticks) and paint.  The interior was painted years ago and her tastes have changed (thank goodness).  It keeps them busy...

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 Stacey and Sam come for the long weekend.  And Stacey showed me how to make Gnomes!!!  We made a few Saturday nite and had a great time.  Rejean made a few eye glasses for the Gnomes to wear.  It was fun.  Who knew we were so talented?  

Family Day up here was beautiful.  Sunny and cold.  We took advantage of a free afternoon and had a couple of drinks on Stacey's deck.  Sam was in his glory.  The sun shining on his thick black coat must have felt good for him.  Stacey and Rejean had wine and I had water.  15 days in and I am good!!

I took Sam for a daily walk on a trail Rejean had made with the snowmobile to the other garage.  You couldn't walk in the snow without it as it was a bit deep.  Nothing like what they have down south now.  southern Ontario really got hit with the snow!!  Sam is the perfect dog to take on walks.  He always checks to make sure you are still behind him and he never runs off.  And I always stop and let him sniff whatever he wants.  I get my "dog" fill whenever he is here.  And I give him treats - with Stacey's permission of course.  

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Watching the birds that frequent our bird feeder has become a favourite past time for us.  We have had quite a few different species of birds regularly visiting the feeder.  We spread seed down on the ground in a few spots for the ground feeding birds and the squirrels of course.  We had the Pine Grosbeaks finally come back after a few years absence and then we had a few Evening Grosbeaks (the yellow colour) make an appearance.  Beautiful birds.  

Rejean bought a new toy from Lee Valley to make his signs for the hiking trails around the property.  Trying to find cedar boards proved to be harder than expected but we finally found some.  It is keeping him busy.

Stacey and Sam are coming to visit this weekend.  It is always a fun weekend when they visit.  I will not be partaking of any beverages as I am now on day 11 of going alcohol free.  It has been a lot easier than I thought it would be but then again, I knew it would be easy.  Being the daughter of an alcoholic, I feel there is always that chance that I may have inherited that gene.  I have done the monthly abstaining from alcohol before without any problems and I like to challenge myself every once in a while just to be sure.  I don't feel any urges at all.  

Just a few more days until the lockdown in our area will be over.  It will be nice to see people again - but at a safe distance.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021



The first picture is of an air hole on our lake.  The lake is spring fed so every winter we get these air holes popping up.  I have expect to see a seal pop it's head up but no seals here.  Maybe an otter...

Across the road on the mine side we get ice formations from the water running down the sides of the hill.  They are solid walls of ice.  And of course my favourite formation that always amazes me, is the organ pipes as I call them, along the side of the highway just up from our driveway.  The colour is from the dirt that washes down with the water from the rocks it flows over.  There are so many along the highway like this.  Always beautiful.

Monday, February 1, 2021



Andrew said this popped up on his picture timeline the other day and he sent it to me.  I was surprised as I haven't seen this picture in years.  I can't remember if it is my high school graduation or my college graduation picture.  I am thinking it maybe my high school picture.  I remember the photographer asking if he could take out the bags under my eyes but I said to leave them in as they are part of me.  Looks like he took a bit of them out. I think I still look the same except for the silver hair and eye brows.   It is the birthday month for me.  I will be 68 in a few days.  How did that every happen.  Where did the time go.  I am still waiting to feel old but so far so good.  Nothing serious.  I have decided to have an alcohol free February.  Joanne did the month of January but February is shorter.  HaHa I have no doubts about completing the challenge successfully.  Day one today was a breeze.  I have a glass of my sparkle water from ValuMart.  Key Lime.  Delicious.