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Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 Stacey and Sam come for the long weekend.  And Stacey showed me how to make Gnomes!!!  We made a few Saturday nite and had a great time.  Rejean made a few eye glasses for the Gnomes to wear.  It was fun.  Who knew we were so talented?  

Family Day up here was beautiful.  Sunny and cold.  We took advantage of a free afternoon and had a couple of drinks on Stacey's deck.  Sam was in his glory.  The sun shining on his thick black coat must have felt good for him.  Stacey and Rejean had wine and I had water.  15 days in and I am good!!

I took Sam for a daily walk on a trail Rejean had made with the snowmobile to the other garage.  You couldn't walk in the snow without it as it was a bit deep.  Nothing like what they have down south now.  southern Ontario really got hit with the snow!!  Sam is the perfect dog to take on walks.  He always checks to make sure you are still behind him and he never runs off.  And I always stop and let him sniff whatever he wants.  I get my "dog" fill whenever he is here.  And I give him treats - with Stacey's permission of course.  

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