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Friday, February 11, 2022



Sorry I have been missing for a bit but it is what it is.  But I promise to be better at Blogging and keeping you up to date what has been going on up here in this winter wonderland.  

Lots of small projects this winter.  One of them was a beam for Stacey and Andrew's cottage.  They priced one out and it was almost $1000.  We decided to make one ourselves.  A faux barn board made out of regular pine boards.  They used a wire brush to scuff it up and then used a torch to burn the whole board.  then a grey stain was applied and you really couldn't tell the difference.  Rejean made some black pieces to hide the seam and then matched up ones for the ends where the beam meets the walls.  All in for about $150!!!

Next Rejean bought a new truck and it is a nice one.  We had to wait for it but it was worth the wait.  It is a bad ass looking truck.  It clashes with my orange car but they had a new compass in the showroom in the same red and if it is still available next year when I am due to get my new car, I am getting it in red.  Sharp looking car!!

AND I Wordle!!  It is addicting to say the least.  I don't do too bad for first thing in the morning which is when I do it.  And if you think I actually got one on the first try, I didn't.  When I did my first one it was not on this site so when I found the game where they keep track of your games, I put the word in in the first line and it registered as a guess in the first line.  This shot is from last week I think.  AND I also do Wordle2 which is a 6 letter game instead of 5 letters.

And my little project was these two feathers I made for Susan and Joanne.  I had seen some on Facebook that sell for $100 and I thought I can make those.  Not bad for my first try.  I used some old cedar boards from Stacey and Andrew's deck that had rotted but we kept them.  I have learned around here you never throw out anything.  HaHa

Well I have to get back to watching the Olympics and just to let you know I am rooting for the Bengals on Sunday because it is the year of the Tiger.

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