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Tuesday, November 22, 2022


I have been absent from my blog for a while now.  Just find it hard to sit down and comment on things that have been going on but after speaking to a few people about how much they miss my postings, I promised to make a solid effort to return to NorthernBliss.  

I have been lucky so far in that I have not had Covid (that I know of) while other people have.  They say that eventually everyone will get it.  I have had my 2 vaccines plus 3 boosters so if I do get it, I feel confident that it will be a mild case.  But with my asthma and this stupid chronic cough I have, I cannot be 100% sure.

We had a great summer with the boys and Jodie - and even Dave showed up for a couple of weeks.  The boys were amazing!!  They turned 8 on August 27th and the last time we saw them they were 5.  What a difference!!  You could carry on conversations with them and they were so entertaining!  They love fishing.  Charlie fishes while Monty picks out the best worms and nets the fish for him.  They are into rugby at home and are taking drumming lessons.  Toys that make noise.

We also got to Windsor for a family reunion/ birthday celebration this past summer.  Claire, my beautiful mother-in-law, turned 96!!  She was so happy to see all her family together again.

The Scott Sisters got to St Pete Beach again this year.  We survived Hurricane Nicole!  We just hunkered down in our room and enjoyed the show.  We stepped out once and was amazed at how strong the winds were.  A few of the locals said that the winds from Nicole were worse than Ian just a few weeks before.  No damage done to the Bon Aire other than a few branches and debris.  

We have snow right now and our lake is frozen over - a little too early for my liking.  Rejean is getting the tractor all ready with the snow blower on.  We are as ready as we can be for winter again up here.  

1 comment:

Lasalle walleye fisherman said...

Glad you're back writing again