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Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Day At The Dump

Saturday was my first official day working the dump. I was filling in for Erla who was filling in for Dave. Got there at 9:45 am - forgot my water and apples. Got the gate open and headed up the road to the dump. No one had dropped any garbage by the side of the road so I didn't have to worry about picking it up after the birds and critters got at it. There were no bears or raccoons up there either - just the big ravens. I got the trailer open for business - then I just waited and soon they started coming. It is a social outting to come to the dump - you have to be friendly and talk to the people - you get to catch up on the stories and where they have been fishing etc. You also have to record the number of bags and their permit number - I would write it down first then search for their cards to record it. Short term memory loss you know. When you have been retired for a little while you tend to lose some of your smarts. Then I had to remember to change the bags when they got full of the recyclables. Cans, glass, plastics etc. all have to be tied up for the recycle guy to take away. I spent my down time picking up the garbage around the dump - just because it's a dump doesn't mean it has to look like a dump. I got 2 1/2 big garbage bags full of garbage from around the place. The place looks great. There was some drama there too. Mike from Kego's had pulled out an old lawn mower and the guts of a three wheeler from the steel pile and was going to go load it up when he was finished. But some guy I had never seen before was asking about it and was looking for it also. I thought there was going to be fisticuffs at the dump but everything turned out ok. You know you are a red neck when you go home from the dump with more than you brought. Then my pals from Axe Lake came to check on me later that afternoon - John, Skip, Randy, Zeke, Rolly and Keith were there and brought me a beverage. I needed it as I was quite thirsty by that time. (Jenn had brought me my water and apples and I gave her a tour of the dump - she was impressed.) Finally 2'o'clock came and I closed it up and delivered the keys and money to Joanne where I found the Axe Lake guys so I had to stop for another beverage. I had fun and I have offered my services when they need someone to fill in. At $10/hour I can supplement my pension.
The leaves are just stunning - the reds and oranges are spectacular. On my 10 k'er this morning
which I did in 1 hour and six minutes (is that good?) the morning light was just perfect on the trees. Still tons more to change.
Andrew and his father were up for the night on Friday and we met them in Thessalon for the first fish fry of the year at the legion - Andrew was very impressed that beer is so cheap at the legion - I think he might join. they were on their bikes - Andrew's beautiful Harley and Dennis on his (I'm sorry I don't know what kind it is but it was yellow and white.
Got to go for a walk right now with Steve and Jenn and Rejean - it will be short because we are all tired from blazing trails all day.
See Ya Bye

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Princess (in white knee braces at 80 k!!)

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A Quiet Saturday Afternoon

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Andrew on his Chopper - zoom zoom

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Who's the Lucky One?

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Susan Down

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WoW - has the time passed - first I apologize for the looooooong delay in blogging but I have been out having a wonderful time - first with my sisters and their husbands - Susan and Jack and Joanne and Mitch - it's as tho no time has passed between visits - we just really enjoy each other's company and we have a blast. I have taken the liberty of showing a picture of Susan on her side with a four wheeler leaning on her. The Sisters were out for our usual foray into the bush with our ever trusty fish boxes and the cocktails. I was riding with Joanne on the back of Rejean's bike and Susan was on my 250 Honda. She usually rides an automatic but mine is a shifter. We were going up a hill and Susan mis-shifted and she just started listing and in slow motion she went over. I was on the bike behind her and all I could think of was broken leg, boken arm, blood but no. I made sure she was ok and then I took the picture - I made sure she wasn't in any pain and she gave me permission - Look - She's Smiling. Just one of many stories.
Everyone was gone on Sunday then on Monday we went to Windsor for the nuptuals. As always there were doctors appointments, shopping etc. to fill the time then the big nite. We got dressed and Rejean put his suit on for the first time in over two years and it fit. Not bad. I was getting dressed in a low cut dress - Yes, the Girls went out. It made the night all that more fun. They were a hit. But I was freezing - I was hoping for a flash to warm me up. Jimmy was looking good in a suit and tie - I usually see him in waders. But Steve and Jenn made the night - it was a beautiful service - just the right length of time. Jenn was a bit teary and that made it emotional. They make a handsome couple.
Then the next day was the big race for Stacey. She wanted us to get the garden funiture from the shed and set up on the front lawn because they would be going right by. Sounds like fun. We cut the grass, got out the funiture and set them up right up at the road. We had 6 lawn chairs, 2 footstools, a table with an umbrella -Mary-Lou came over and Betsy from next door were joining us. Stacey had bought noise makers - those big clapping hands and some tamborines. We had pop and chips if anyone wanted to make a donation. Well we sat down and had a beer or two and started waving to the people going by and almost everyone waved - and then we started clapping hands at them and hooting and making all sorts of noise. Betsy then made a sign to HONK 4 ALZHEIMERS and boy did they ever. The Windsor Star took our picture. But when Stacey ran by in the 89K!!!!!!!!! run. All the runners appreciated the cheering and they even stopped for a moment and watched us. Then off they went. Way to Go Stacey!!!!
Then I got a picture of Andrew on his HARLEY!! Nice bike. Mitch must just be drooling...
It was good to see my friends.
Enjoy the show...
See Ya Bye

Friday, September 5, 2008

Jimmy - Stay Strong

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The Patio Putt Putt

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Technical Difficulties

I have been trying to get on my blog for 1/2 hour but just can't seem to get through - that is one of the reasons I have been delinquent lately in my blog - sometimes I just can't sit around and wait for the blogsite to decide it wants to let me thru....sorry - sometimes you just have to rant.
About my first pontoon boat ride - sorry to say it was too windy to take the boat out - there were whitecaps on Basswood Lake - so we just sat around and talked and laughed. Rejean had burned an oldies disc for Plain Jane and she loved it. We had a delicious meal of stuffed pork chops, beans and potatoes, salad and blueberry pie - YUM YUM.
Today I went to Vickie's house - she lives on Poverty Lane - yes there is a road in Wharncliffe called Poverty Lane and actually quite a few people live on that road. We were baking - finishing up the meat pies and then we made 20 doz perogies - we have orders for 140 doz!!!! I have never made them before but Phyllis said I am going to learn. I mixed the potatoes with the cheese, put the filling on the little circles then sealed them - it was quite the production line. There was Vickie, Phyllis, Debbie, Robin and Ashley and me. I really enjoy our baking days - not only am I learning all the secrets but I totally enjoy the company. I have lots of friends up here.
Debbie lives across the road from Vickie and she rode over on her 2 person four wheeler with her yellow lab Bo in the passenger seat followed by two other big dogs from the neighbourhood. Debbie and her entourage.
Vickie has 2 beehives on her property and they were collecting the honey last week - very interesting to watch. I think she said they collected 85 pounds of honey from the two hives and was it ever good - not like the store bought stuff - it had an earthy taste.
When I got home I helped Rejean put up the drywall panels on the ceiling - 12 foot ones - we had a lift as we could never have lifted them into place. Tomorrow we put up the cement boards in the shower and blow insullation into the attic with the machine - I have to feed the hopper - sounds like fun.
Joanne and Mitch from Calgary are in Wallaceburg for Sandy's daughter's wedding then on Sunday they pick up Sue and Jack then head to Tobermorie for the night - then catch the first ferry for their final leg of the journey up here - can't wait for them to get here. The weather is not supposed to be the best but it doesn't matter.
Time to head upstairs for the evening.
See Ya Bye

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some Sad News:(

Today while on our way to get hair cuts we came across a dead fox just a few hundred feet from our drive way - I had seen a fox there before and believe it is one of ours. You usually don't see foxes that have been hit by vehicles but I think that is what happened to this one. The birds are taking care of the remains and I am sure that by this afternoon there will be nothing left. I still have one because he came around this morning for breakfast. I know that there will be more to come.
Today we go on our cruise around Basswood Lake with Plain Jane, Les, Darlene and Ron. They have a pontoon boat (I call them Patio Putt Putts) I have never been on one before so I am looking forward to it - I'll take lots of pictures. I can see lots of blue skies out there so it is going to be a nice day - should hit 25 degrees!!!
Our hydro was out yesterday and last nite - it reached all the way from Iron Bridge to the Sault with no explanation from Ontario Hydro - must be all you people from the south with your air conditioners blasting. We don't have or need air conditioning up here - there may be just a few days where it is hot enough to use it. It cools down nicely at night and as long as I have my ceiling fan on I am fine. We had to make do and have our BLT's done on the BBQ - turned out pretty good. I was out of Miracle Whip and had to use the horseradish mayo on mine - surprisingly good.
Friday I have to bake - there are tons of orders for our pies so I have to help - I knew I would pick up a few pointers from the Ladies of Wharncliffe.
Also Thank you to my sisters, Susan and Joanne and their husbands, Jack and Mitch for our new Adirondack chair and foot rest - I was at the Post and there was a package for us. It is our 25th wedding anniversay gift - they are all coming in on Monday for a week. We will have a blast!!!
Well have to get ready for my boat ride. What to wear, what to wear.
See You Bye

Monday, September 1, 2008

Who Me?

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I Was Robbed!!!!

When I run/walk I time myself to see that I am on track or to get a bit faster and I bought a watch to do this. I wear it faithfully on each run and sometimes I sit outside to cool down and take off my watch etc. The other day I did this and put some dog cookies that the foxes like on the table along with my watch and never thought about it until I went to look for my watch today for my 10 K run. Couldn't find it anywhere and I looked. I started to think it was me and my poor memory but I still couldn't find it. Then I started to think that maybe I left it outside and then I thought about the foxes. They have a histroy of picking non-food items and trying to trot off with them. Sierra's camera and Rejean's smokes have been carried off by them but discovered in time to make them drop it. The watch may have had salt on it and easy on the mouth so I just bet they carried my watch away and buried it. I am looking on the ground for fresh burial sites. But so far no luck. Today on my 10Ker I have an approximate time of 1 hour and 13 minutes which is right on for my 5k time. It was not as bad as I thought it would be - I did have to stop and talk to two people who stopped on the road to "rescue" me. Ron asked if I was running into town (ha ha) and Phyllis was starting to open the door for me but I refused politely and continued on. Rejean passed me with about 6 minutes left on my run. With Cold Water. He meets me at the Post to pick me up. Then we worked on the vapour barrier in the addition for the morning then we just relaxed the rest of the beautiful day. We are getting our summer right now - absolutely wonderful. And the colors have started - there is getting to be a nice display of colors. It will be a good fall.
Went to Wharncliffe for a bush party on Saturday nite - at Robin and Randy's. There were people spleeping over nite with their tents and pop-up trailers - we didn't - I like to be near a bathroom . Sat around a big camp fire and just yakked. A good nite. It was right back in the woods.
Tomorrow more work then Wednesday Ron, Darlene and us are going visiting on Basswood Lake - Plain Jane and her husband Les invited us over for a cruise on their Lake. I've never been - I wonder if they'll let me troll....
That's it folks - more tomorrow.
See Ya Bye

ps - our bake sale sold out and with all our pies, bake sales etc we have raised over $600 with one more on the 26th of September which I'll work then the next day I get to man the dump - that will be an experience